What: Slapshock Performance by Elle Mehrmand and Micha Cardenas at Compactspace

Where:  Compactspace
   105 E 6th St
   Los Angeles, CA 90014

When: Thursday, June 11th, 8pm

Contact: Elle Mehrmand, ellemehrmand A+ gmail [d0t) com
    Micha Cardenas, mcardenas a+ ucsd d()+ edu
    Compactspace, 626-676-0627

Slapshock is a performance using a Freeduino and an Arduino to create a pain sharing device. The performance by Elle Mehrmand and Micha Cardenas is an exploration of symbiotic relationality through pain, in which each performer slaps themself in turn causing the other performer to receive a painful electric shock.

The devices were created by Mehrmand and Cardenas using a Freeduino, an Aruino, piezo sensors and Transdermal Electro Nerve Stimulation (TENS) units. Mehrmand and Cardenas soldered the components together and programmed the microcontrollers to detect a slap through the piezo sensor and activate the TENS units when the slap occurs.

The performance is one of a series studies for "mixed relations", a larger set of performances using technology to explore relations between people as well as between people and technology. "mixed relations" will involve two performers in mixed reality environments using their bodies as instruments to produce live audio, and will take place in the Fall of 2009.

Slapshock will be performed as part of The Dark Tower, a group show of UCSD MFA candidates and recent graduates curated by Cauleen Smith. The performance will be at the Compactspace gallery during the LA Artwalk on June 11th, 2009.

More information about "mixed relations" can be found at:

More information about The Dark Tower show at Compactspace:



micha cárdenas

Artist/Researcher, Experimental Game Lab,
Calit2 Researcher,


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