
It is with great pleasure we wish to announce the availability The Artvertiser
software for both the Windows and OS X operating systems.

The Artvertiser is a fast and free realtime image-substitution platform for use
by artists and activists. It provides possibility for the substitution of any
planar image -in either live or archival video- with alternative images, movies
or 3D content. 

As such, billboard advertisements, political campaigns or product placement in
feature films all become valid targets for alteration and subsequent upload.

A detailed installation guide and the first of a series of Improved Reality
trainee videos can be found here:


The project page is here:


The Windows and OS X Artvertiser software should be considered BETA. It was
developed initially on GNU/Linux. Please let us know of any hiccups using
contact details in the above installation guide!

Happy artvertising!

The Artvertiser Team

Julian Oliver
home: New Zealand
based: Berlin, Germany 
currently: Berlin, Germany 
about: http://julianoliver.com

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