*Facing the Artwork *
*Video Art and Short Film Fest*

*9 – 12 June 2011*
*ZAZIE Kino, Kleine Ulrichstraße 22, 06108 Halle (Saale)*

Werkleitz presents the Video Art and Short Film Fest /Facing the Artwork/. We show 33 filmic works from 18 countries, most of them chosen from more than 400 applications from all over Europe. The artworks were selected by an international jury and are presented within six programmes, which are structured according to different thematic focuses on the topic of art reception. Additional curated films and artists’ discussions will make the programme complete. As opening film of /Facing the Artwork/, we screen the documentary-style movie “Photography” (80:00 min, HU 1972) by the Hungarian director Pál Zolnay. The six programmes of the following days are dedicated to the role of the audience within the system of art, its significance for the artist and the relation between recipient and artwork. /Facing the Artwork/ presents artistic positions about the individual and collective ideas of the recipients concerning the sense and purpose of art. On the one hand, the programmes deal with the limits of human perception and the interference between the roles of the artist and the spectator. On the other hand, they refer to the wide variety of possibilities to interpret an artwork./Facing the Artwork/ focuses on the audience. It gets the chance to look at itself – from a distance, at close range, critically or gently.

The event is funded by the Robert Bosch Stiftung and the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa) and supported by the Hungarian Film Union and culturtraeger.
Werkleitz is supported by the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt.

For further information please visit: http://werkleitz.de/facingtheartwork

Virág Bottlik

Werkleitz Gesellschaft - Zentrum für Medienkunst
Schleifweg 6
06114 Halle (Saale)
Telefon: +49 345 68246-0 Fax: +49 345 68246-29

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