Dear spectres,

Here is the list of the next dates of the presentation of our new av performance : egregore. If you are nearby, please come and see, otherwise you can check the website (videos, pictures, txt,...)

all the best, and sorry for x-posting
cyrille & nicolas

**égregore - chdh, 2011
"Égrégore" means an energy produced by the desires of many individuals in a common goal. This is the starting point of this audiovisual performance that aims to exploit the group movement phenomenas. Complex and expressive behaviors are generated and controlled by a computer and transcribed in sound and image. A crowd of particles deploys itself, reorganizes, blends into living structures more or less coherent, evolving from a chaotic movement toward a cohesive group. This project is a continuation of chdh's work on audiovisual instruments, but aims to radicalize the research.
coproduction : chdh - Césaré - iMAL
01 october :: 10 ans du cube :: Issy les Moulineaux
with incite / addictive TV
05 october :: Friszschelle festival :: Köln
with radian / skif+
15 october :: Serendip festival :: Bagnolet
with VJ Meat / Christian Lebrat / Xavier Querel
29 november :: Cesaré :: Reims

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