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FutureEverything 2012
16-19 May, Manchester

Advance rate Conference Tickets available till 1 April. A limited number of 
Conference Bursaries are available for practicing artists, activists and change 
makers without institutional support

FutureEverything 2012 features a packed programme of art and music events, 
including a major new work by Blast Theory, Amon Tobin's ISAM show, 
FutureEverybody art show, Handmade, and much more.

The FutureEverything 2012 Conference looks at the participatory culture that is 
changing our world and the extraordinary possibilities of such connectivity. 
Speakers include Icelandic MP and former Wikileaks spokesperson Birgitta 
Jonsdottir, Carlo Ratti (Senseable City Lab), Bilal Randeree (Al Jazeera), 
Juliana Rotich (Ushahidi), Cesar A. Hidalgo (MIT MediaLab), Moritz Stefaner, 
Rohan Gunatillake, Bill Thompson, William Heath (Mydex), Juha van‘t Zelfde and 
more to be announced.

Conference topics include:
• Participatory Media
• Arab Spring
• Future Cities
• Mass Observation
• London 2012 Data Art

FutureEverything was recently rated by the Guardian as one of the top ten 
international ideas festivals, alongside TEDx, 99% and South by South West.

FutureEverything 2012 hosts the launch of the £4M Creative Exchange 
( Knowledge Hub funded by AHRC, and a 
celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Mass Observation Movement and the UN 
International Year of Co-operatives - presented with a unique contemporary 
twist by artists and designers working in these new media.

Visit the website for further details:

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