Review of Eva & Franco Mattes 'Anonymous, untitled, dimensions variable' show at Carroll/Fletcher Gallery

By Rob Myers

Anonymous, untitled, dimensions variable is the title of a show by 0100101110101101.ORG (Eva and Franco Mattes) at Carroll/Fletcher gallery in London from 13th April to 18th May 2012. Or at least it was. The title changes each day based on submissions to a blog ( The new titles have been printed out and displayed on the wall to the left as you walk in to the gallery.

You don't expect this kind of playful intersection of the virtual and the real in a gallery off of Oxford Street, across from Soho, opposite other new galleries. Carroll/Fletcher's glass-fronted welcomingly brutalist interior says "serious contemporary art space". Inhabiting such a space presents a challenge to net and digital art that must be met with careful presentation and considered curation.

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