>> (appologies for cross posting ­ I am forwarding as requested)
>>  <http://metadesigners.org/tiki/display874>
>> See the metadesigners recommendations
>> <http://metadesigners.org/tiki/Rio-plus-20>  that we sent to the Rio Earth
>> Summit <http://www.earthsummit2012.org/>  organizers
>> THE CREATIVE QUARTETS WORKSHOP is an open, free workshop for students,
>> designers, managers, teachers, politicians, scientists (+including you:-). It
>> will take place on 20th June, 2012 at Goldsmiths, University of London
>> <http://www.gold.ac.uk/find-us/>  in New Cross, South East London. Each
>> workshop lasts ONE HOUR (minimum) and you choose a convenient time between
>> 9.30am and 7.30pm.
>>  <http://metadesigners.org/tiki/display881>  
>> <http://metadesigners.org/tiki/display879>  
>> <http://metadesigners.org/tiki/display880>  
>> <http://metadesigners.org/tiki/display877>  
>> Despite its name, the workshop's theme is synergy
>> <http://metadesigners.org/tiki/Synergy-Glossary>  (not music)
>> SYNERGY - "The behaviour of whole systems unpredicted by the separately
>> observed behaviours of their parts taken separately" - see more Buckminster
>> Fuller definitions <http://www.rwgrayprojects.com/synergetics/s01/p0100.html>
>> MORE - about SYNERGY <http://metadesigners.org/tiki/Synergy-Glossary>
>>  <http://metadesigners.org/tiki/display846>
>> You get Synergies by combining things.
>> * Synergies seldom conform to known boundaries of meaning or usage.
>> * Their complexity may make them hard to apply, combine, or orchestrate.
>> * HOWEVER - they are in virtually unlimited supply, if we look hard enough
>> for them. 
>>  <http://metadesigners.org/tiki/display875>
>> What is the purpose of the workshop?
>> The workshop is designed to raise consciousness about the idea that synergy
>> is a kind of 'free gift'. We aim to change the popular view of 'green issues'
>> as a negative, belt-tightening exercise into an optimistic, synergy-based
>> approach. Instead of focusing on reducing our consumption, this works by
>> finding existing and available things that - when combined - might create an
>> unexpected abundance.
>> The workshop will show participants a practical method for taking local,
>> existing resources and - by combining them - create new synergies of
>> abundance <http://metadesigners.org/tiki/Synergy-Glossary> . You will be
>> trained in the technique ofbisociation
>> <http://metadesigners.org/tiki/Bisociation-Glossary>  - as a way to co-create
>> these synergies and be assigned to a team of 4. This event is FUN...it is
>> also FREE (but entry is by appointment only). See registration details at the
>> bottom of this page.
>> <http://metadesigners.org/tiki/Rio-plus-20-details> .
>> What are the workshop's outcomes?
>> * Everyone who participates will experience and gain insight to working with
>> meta-design tools.
>> * Everyone who attends will receive a Metadesigners certificate.
>> HOW DOES IT WORK? see more about OUR METHODS
>> <http://metadesigners.org/tiki/Rio-plus-20-details>
>> WHERE IS IT? - we will send you details once you have registered
>> HOW DO I REGISTER? - email your preferred session times
>> to j...@metadesigners.org
>> mobile phone +44 7803 824557 <tel:%2B44%207803%20824557>
>> AVAILABLE TIMES - (you may choose more than one of these sessions)
>> * 1. 09.00am - 10.00am
>> * 2. 10.00am - 11.00am
>> * 3. 11.00am - 12.00pm
>> * 4. 12.00pm - 01.00pm
>> * 5. 01.00pm - 02.00pm
>> * 6. 02.00pm - 03.00pm
>> * 5. 03.00pm - 04.00pm
>> * 6. 04.00pm - 05.00pm
>> * 7. 05.00pm - 06.00pm
>> * 8. 06.00pm - 07.00pm
>> -- 
>> John Wood 
>> Emeritus Professor of Design 
>> Goldsmiths University of London
>> ----------------------------------
>> mobile +44 7803 824557
>> home +44 0(2)08 480 7900
>> ----------------------------------
>> http://metadesigners.org/
>> http://twitter.com/metadesigners
>> http://twitter.com/metatetrahedron
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metadesign
>> http://attainable-utopias.org/tiki/
>> http://www.intellectbooks.co.uk/journals/view-Journal,id=154/
>> http://deafschoolmusic.com/
>> http://twitter.com/#!/TheRevMaxRipple
>> <http://twitter.com/#%21/TheRevMaxRipple>

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