Trans Adriatic

1 . 12 . 2012 - 27 . 01 . 2013

Alviani ArtSpace, Aurum, Pescara, Italy

pre-opening: 28 / 29 / 30 . 11  2012  during the Forum of Adriatic and Ionian 
opening: 1 . 12  2012, 18 h

Participating artists: Davor Sanvincenti, Hrvoje Hirsl, Ivan Marusic Klif and 
Edita Pecotic. 
Artistic director Alviani ArtSpace: Lucia Zappacosta
originally curated by Darko Fritz in front of the grey) (area . space of 
contemporary and media art from Korcula, Croatia

Exhibition will be pre-open during the Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Cities. 
Next to site-specific installation from 1995 by Italian pioneer of 
lumino-kinetic art Getullio Alviani, a selection of  four Croatian artists is 
presented. 'Trans Adriatic' is part of the 'Trans Adriatic Grey Area' 
international exhibition originally curated by Darko Fritz in front of the 
grey) (area . space of contemporary and media art from Korcula, Croatia for 
Lampo project in Pescara during summer 2012.
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