22.12.2012, 19h


19:00h obertura portes / apertura de puertas / doors open + DJ's
20:00h EVOL          [ http://vivapunani.org ]
21:00h Yutaka Makino [ http://yutakamakino.com ]
22:00h Mark Fell     [ http://markfell.com ]
23:00h Lee Gamble    [ http://cyrk.org/leegamble ]
00:15h final / the end

sonidos adicionales a cargo de: IVDB / PATO (during, before and after)

Dissabte / Sábado / Saturday 22.12.2012, 19:00-00:15h
Fabra i Coats – Fàbrica de Creació. Sant Adrià, 20.
Metro Sant Andreu. Barcelona.

[ http://lullcec.org/es/2012/concerts/proof_of_concept-01-evol-mark-fell-lee-gamble-yutaka-makino/ ]


web:      [ http://lullcec.org ]
facebook: [ http://facebook.com/lullcec ]
twitter:  [ http://twitter.com/lullcec ]

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