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Movable Borders: The Reposition Matrix Workshop - at Furtherfield

Organised by Dave Young.

FREE WORKSHOP Date: Saturday 18 May 2013, 1-5pm.

In a post-national age, where "territorial and political boundaries are increasingly permeable" [1], what has become of the borderline? How is it defined, and what technologies are used to control it?

Movable Borders is an ongoing research project that begins to explore possible answers to these questions through facilitating discussions around the 'reterritorialisation' of the borderline in the information age. Participants are invited to investigate the use of cybernetic military systems such as remotely piloted aircraft (drones) and the Disposition Matrix, a dynamic database of intelligence that produces protocological kill-lists for the US Department of Defense.

The Reposition Matrix aims to reterritorialise the drone as a physical, industrially-produced technology of war through the creation of an open-access database: a 'reposition matrix' that geopolitically situates the organisations, locations, and trading networks that play a role in the production of military drone technologies.

Booking Essential.
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Part of the Movable Borders: Here Come the Drones! exhibition at Furtherfield Gallery, which opens 11th May 2013.

[1] Habermas, in The Postnational Constellation and the Future of Democracy.


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