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Shu Lea Cheang and Mark Amerika discuss their exhibition at Furtherfield on Video.

This video was taken at the Shu Lea Cheang and Mark Amerika opening event and Seeds Underground Party at Furtherfield Gallery (London) on Saturday 31 August 2013.

This by Mark Amerika (US) and Shu Lea Cheang (US/FR) at Furtherfield Gallery marks a significant moment for contemporary art. Amerika and Cheang are both 'net native' artists. They share many of the obsessions of the growing multitude of artists who have grown up with the net since the early 1990s.

Furtherfield Gallery provides a physical interface in a local setting in the heart of a North London park to the thriving, international, networked art scene.

Exhibition continues until 20 October 2013


A living - breathing - thriving networked neighbourhood -
proud of free culture - claiming it with others ;)

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Furtherfield – online arts community, platforms for creating, viewing,
discussing and learning about experimental practices at the
intersections of art, technology and social change.

Furtherfield Gallery – Finsbury Park (London).

Netbehaviour - Networked Artists List Community.

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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