Greetings Arts + Praxis friends,

We are gathering the creative tribes again in Berlin.

All curators, artists, activists and citizens are welcome to participate !

The reSource Network (and the related project TBA Berlin) which began over
two years ago is meeting THis Weds. Feb 26th at 18:30h.

Followed by a new episode of the XLterrestrials CiTiZEN KiNO series.
C-KiNO #35 : Beyond the Planet of the Anthro-Obscene at 21:00h.

At Panke
Wedding, Berlin


reSource is an initiative curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli to create year
round Transmediale events, and this simultaneously spored communications
among local Berlin galeries and initiatives like Panke, Art Laboratory
Berlin, Supermarkt, Liebig12, XLterrestrials and many others to construct
a hub for arts + technology activities in Berlin.


Please join us to help crack the visual coding and technological
enclosures of a volatile cybernetic regime, and we'll be exploring what a
glocally engaged and locally embodied arts community might look like !


CiTiZEN KiNO is an interactive cinematic forum + live performance which
will continue in a more experimental format the themes and discussions
that have arisen from both Transmediale 2014 and the reSource initiatives,
and of course from the challenges of a current civilization in deep
crises and undergoing massive changes.


CiTiZEN KiNO #35: Beyond the Planet of the Anthro-Obscene

date+time:  26-02-2014 - Wed. 21:00h
location:   Panke, Gerichtstr.23 - Berlin
title:      CiTiZEN KiNO #35
subtitle:   Beyond the Planet of the Anthro-Obscene
people:     XLterrestrials, dr.Podinski + You + special guests
admission:  3 - 5 euros ... or more...

[ For people who are financially capable of supporting and investing in
our arts+praxis laboratory... our Popodolog reports and analysis...  and
the ongoing CiTIZEN KiNO series, we welcome DONATIONS of all shapes and
sizes !
Many Thx to those who have contributed in the past ! ]

No one turned away for lack of funds !


You can read more about the themes of CiTiZEN KiNO #35 here:

And since we'll be discussing and analyzing Transmediale 2014, here's a
link to some of our coverage bits (v.1-7) :

And the fedbook Invite:


C Ya Soon !
And plz spread the word !


arts + praxis organisms

twitter: @podinski
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