We have the pleasure to announce eight new contributions to Photomediations Machine:

* In a series of thought-provoking images and commentaries, Richard Whitlock explores whether photography can overcome perspective:

* Newfotoscapes is a freely available collection of original interviews with key stakeholders in photography, such as Charlotte Cotton, Mishka Henner and Katrina Sluis, curated by Jonathan Shaw:

* All Our Yesterdays is a virtual exhibition of unique European photographs:

* In Transubstantiation Mexican artist Elizabeth Castro Regla sees light as the vital impetus that illuminates and animates inert matter:

* What are the real effects of digital gaming on our fingers, hands, and bodies? Matteo Bittani and Iocose investigate:

* Three Moments by Rob Coley, Dean Lockwood and Adam O’Meara is a collaborative experiment in philosophizing with a (still and moving) camera:

* In the age of open source and open access, what does it mean for artists and photographers to work with open images? Hito Steyerl’s new project offers some answers:

* In David Jacques' North Canada – English Electric, a retired worker habitually returns as an amateur photographer to the sites he was previously employed at:


Photomediations Machine is a curated online space where the dynamic relations of mediation as performed in photography and other media can be encountered, experienced and engaged.

Photomediations Machine adopts a process-based approach to image making by tracing the technological, biological, cultural, social and political flows of mediation that produce photographic objects. Showcasing theoretical and practical work at the intersections of art and mainstream practices, Photomediations Machine is both an archive of mediations past and a site of production of media as-we-do-not-know-them-yet. Photomediations Machine is non-commercial, non-profit and fully open access.

Curated by Joanna Zylinska and Ting Ting Cheng, Photomediations Machine has an International Advisory Board which includes Katherine Behar, Lisa Cartwright, Alberto López Cuenca, Asbjørn Grønstad, Richard Grusin, Sarah Kember, Max Liljefors, Melissa Miles, Nicholas Mirzoeff, W.J.T. Mitchell, Luiza Nader, Nina Sellars, Jonathan Shaw, Katrina Sluis, Marquard Smith, Hito Steyerl and Bernadette Wegenstein. It is a sister project to the online open access journal Culture Machine (http://www.culturemachine.net), established in 1999.

Website: http://www.photomediationsmachine.net
Follow us on Twitter: @Photomediations
Visit us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/photomediations.machine

Submissions invited:

Professor Joanna Zylinska
Department of Media and Communications
Goldsmiths, University of London


Curator of Photomediations Machine

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