Pixel Lab #3 | Martin Howse, "Earth Coding"

in: Laboratoire Ouvert @ la Gaîté lyrique, Paris
*Sat. 19 & Sun**20 July*, 2PM-6PM
talk/discussion/workshop, 5 Euros

#3 | Martin Howse (UK): *Earth Coding**Workshop*

/The shapes of the chasms themselves become "verbal roots" that spell
out the difference between darkness and light. Poe ends his mental maze
with the sentence -- "I have graven it within the hills and my vengeance
upon the dust within the rock." A Sedimentation of the Mind. Robert
Smithson. 1966.

/Through a range of guided, experimental activities, the two day Earth
Coding workshop actively explores links between contemporary technology
and the earth, attempting to define a new form of land art and examining
the following wide-ranging questions.

How can the earth as a process be tempted to compose software?

What signals can be transduced from the earth, using equipment of the
earth, revealing hidden process and how can these signals be exposed and
converted to brute code?

Finally, how can a dark interpreter, a shadow substrate be constructed
as an experimental situation, enabling earthy instructions to recode
that same landscape?

The two day earth coding workshop embraces whole earth process in an
attempt to approach these questions through the construction of a series
of experimental situations.

Participants will learn how to:

- measure and make audible and visible Telluric currents flowing through
the earth
- construct an earth sensing glove to insert and feedback audio signals
from the earth
- build an earth antenna/radio
- measure electrical power from an earth battery
- allow worms to compose poetry
- fashion fluid logic gates in the earth

On the second day there will be a field trip to a forest location near
Paris, where we will extend the first days experiments and discuss the
implications and possibilities of earth coding.
/Open to all levels.


Within the residency program "Laboratoire Ouvert" of la Gaîté lyrique,
Mal au Pixel proposes a series of monthly meetings in Paris, until April
2015, consisting in a public talk and a collective workshop.
Since 2006, Mal au Pixel festival is looking at connecting technology,
urban electronics and social  transformation issues, and to investigate
our contemporary beliefs. The  festival brings together young digital
artists and unconventional electronics : unexpected technologies, open
source tools, prototypes and open ended events.


19-20 July
Martin Howse (UK/DE), "Earthcode"

20-21 September
LornaLab (tbc)

11-12 October
Andy Bolus (UK.FR),
Ghost Detector Synth Building

8-9 November
Bengt Sjölén
Tempest Aura/Tempest Radio

& tba: from December 2014 to April 2015, a series of monthly workshops.

On Saturday, 5PM-7PM,
free access;

Sat and/or Sunday, 2PM-6PM, 5EUR,
Reservations = billette...@gaite-lyrique.net;
In partnership with Pixelache Network.

With the support of the Grundtvig Foundation.

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