hey brad,

can you offer an index / a list of all things that you sell / that is your art 

thank you



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Am 03.09.2014 um 14:10 schrieb { brad brace }:

> ... do I detect a tone of righteous admonishment?
> or perhaps, predictable institutional censure? ;)
> all very old-hat (I have some for sale: see below)
> artworld-history fosters socially irresponsible financial
> ponzi/tax-evasion
> artworld-institutions foster the desperate/privileged
> careers of reprehensible/insular acolytes
> Many Hats: a US American
> immigrant's reluctantly
> acquired 20-year collection of
> defacto/ubiquitous baseball
> caps -- one free cap of your
> first available choice with
> the purchase of this volume
> (postage paid): $62USD
> bbraceATeskimoDOTcom
> http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FEJTPQ
> but buy direct for superior quality
> http://bradbrace.net/buy-into.html
> http://bbrace.net/buy-into.html
> Buy ALL the caps!
> for $449 on eBay
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=121425899832
> /:b
> On Tue, 2 Sep 2014, Alan J Munro wrote:
>> Mr Brace, you regularly spam this group with offers for us to buy your art.
>> So who's exactly pressing *who's* luck? >
> as long as it is NOT sold is it NOT art.
> please dont forget this. everything else is  20th century
> romantic fantasy ...
>>> [ have the remaining arts mailing-lists now devolved into
>>> uncontested institutional-announcements: vehicular spam ?]
>>> way back: http://bbrace.net/blabbering-cronies.html
>>> way back: http://bradbrace.net/blabbering-cronies.html
>>> press your luck
>>> /:b
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