Press Release
International Video Art Festival - Cologne OFF 2014 @ Muzaplus

Cologne OFF X
Total art - Alienated Territories
Curator: Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

Saturday September 13th, 2014
Hour: 20:00

Muzaplus - a space for art
Beit Eshel 15, Flea Market, Jaffa

Muzaplus is pleased to host - Alienated Territories - a video art compilation 
which has been specially created for this event, by it German curator Agricola 
de Cologne, to celebrate the diversity of contemporary artistic creations on 
occasion of the Cologne OFF- International Video art Festival - "Total Art - 
GesamtkunstwerkIt" 10th anniversary.

The festival activities are the creative enterprise of the media artist 
Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, the founder, director and curator of Cologne OFF 
- Cologne International Video art Festival, which includes ten editions of an 
exciting media festival.

Agricola de Cologne explains that the submitted video works follow the idea of 
the "total art work", which uses an individual audiovisual language, and so the 
medium of digital video in all its technological complexity, in order to 
present to the public with a variety of content, expressing philosophical, 
political, cultural or artistic statements through a critical view on the 
present, sometimes of ironic tone and with an humoristic tone, but with a 
serious and meaningful artistic approach.

The selection that will be presented at Muzaplus indicates, as its curator 
writes: "one's identity as a protected and restricted area, an essential 
component determining the perception of life as a process from the subjective 
point of view of the creator, as well as the viewer in cultural, social or 
political concern."

Alienated Territories - program :

Johanna Reich (Germany) - Horizon, 2013, 1:00
Felice Hapetzeder (Sweden) - 366, 2014, 1:24
Rick Fisher (Canada) - Arcadia, 2014, 4:49
Cinzia Sarto (Italy) - Forbidden Fruit, 2009, 4.40
Lisa Birke (Canada) - Red Carpet, 2013, 9:59
Alexandar Tokin (Serbia) - She Is I, 2013, 9:17
Sara Holwerda (USA) - Chair Dance, 2012, 6:26
Beate Hecher/Markus Keim (Austria) - ln Absentia, 2012, 10:00
Yuval Yairi & Zohar Kawaharada (Israel) - Land, 2013, 4:36
Vojtìch Žák - (CZ) - Melancholia, 2013, 3: 25
Manuel Saiz (Spain) - Sic Transit, 2009, 5:00
vvitalny (Tusia Dabrowska & Clara Inés Schuhmacher) (USA) - In Peru, 2013, 3:05

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