S o u n d C a m p
Sat 2 - Sun 3 MAY 2015
From 5am in London (UTC +1) until 6am next morning



SoundCamp is a series of outdoor listening events on International Dawn Chorus 
Day, linked by Reveil: a 24 hour broadcast of the sounds of daybreak, relayed 
live by audio streamers around the globe. Soundcamps in the UK will be at: 
Stave Hill Ecological Park, London; Piel View House, Furness Peninsula, 
Cumbria; Dartington Hall, Totnes, Devon; Ulster Museum, Belfast.
And in: Upper Hudson, NY; Chicago; Toronto; Fortore, Italy; Ljubljana, 
Slovenia; Põlva County, Estonia; Santorini, Greece.


Reveil starts in Rotherhithe near the Greenwich Meridian and travels West from 
one open microphone to the next, following the wave of sound that loops the 
earth with the rising sun, picking up audio feeds from forest cams, very low 
frequency receivers, deep ocean hydrophones, space radio stations, and a 
network of soundcamps and streamers, in a sequence lasting one earth day.

Visitors to each soundcamp can take part in artist led activities that turn the 
site into a broadcasting and listening point, and explore the local sound 
ecology through workshops and dawn walks and by camping out overnight. Reveil 
is a both a soundwork and a catalyst for the development of a wider and more 
diverse live audio network.

Contributors include :  Zach Poff, Rui Chaves, Eric Leonardson, Anna Friz, 
Peter Cusack, Lee Paterson, Helmut Lemke, Tony Whitehead, Sarah Gray, Richard 
Povall, Angus Carlyle, John Grzinich, Leandro Pisano, Raffaele Mariconte, Lars 
Johansson, Brane Zorman, Irena Pivka, Alyssa Moxley, Ramona Stout, Udo Noll, 
Dawn Scarfe, Maweni Farm, Luciano Breves, Jiyeon Kim, Gang il Yi with 
additional streamers at Locus Sonus and elsewhere

/////////////SET UP YOUR STREAM

If you wish to set up a stream for “Reveil”  (and beyond) there are several new 
or updated solutions. 
These include streaming from your smartphone and using a Raspberry Pi. 
You will find details here:  http://locusonus.org/locustream/ 

REVEIL : http://soundtent.org/soundcamp_reveil.html 
STREAM INFO  :  http://soundtent.org/soundcamp_2015.html 
LOCUS SONUS SOUND MAP :  http://locusonus.org/soundmap/040/ 
AUDIO ARCHIVE 2014 : http://soundtent.org/soundcamp_2014.html 
////////////MORE INFOS

For more information on camping, listening, broadcasting, or
contributing a stream, please visit soundtent.org <http://soundtent.org/>
Reveil 2015 is coordinated in London by soundCamp, in partnership with: Locus 
Sonus, Aix (open microphone network); Wave Farm WGXC 90.7FM, Acra, New York 
(primary mount point); Resonance FM, London (sponsor and broadcast partner); 
Stave Hill Ecological Park, London (SHED/TCV, hosting venue); CRiSAP 
(LCC/University of the Arts London).

Soundcamps by: Octopus Collective (Cumbria), Radius (Chicago), SARC (Belfast), 
Soundart Radio (Devon), Deep Wireless (NAISA, Toronto), CONA/KSEVT (Slovenia), 
Liminaria (Italy),MoKS (Estonia), MAZI (Greece).

Participating stations: Clocktower Radio (New York), Kriti FM 101.5 (Crete), 
Radio Papesse (Italy), ArtXFM (Kentucky), NOFM2-ArtSync (Belgrade), Radio 
Patapoe (Amsterdam), sonica.fm (London), Radio Corax (Halle, Germany).

Print: Colin Sackett (Devon, Uniformbooks). Photography: Ky Lewis (London).

SoundCamp/REVEIL 2015 is supported by Sound and Music and Arts Council England.

/////////// http://locusonus.org <http://locusonus.org/>

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