*Folklore of the Cyber World
CAC@the Chinese Pavilion, la Biennale di Venezia 2015*

As the new media art partner institution of the Chinese Pavilion, *Chronus Art Center* will organize a series of parallel online projects under the theme of /Folklore of the Cyber World/ to extend the /Other Future/ envisioned by the Chinese Pavilion to cyberspace, revealing the vigor and brio of the younger generation of Chinese artists in their critical engagement with the pervasive media society and creative use of new technologies.

/Folklore of the Cyber World/ inaugurates its program with SHEN Xin’s /Rhythms of Work — Means Something to You/, in which the interior of the Chinese Pavilion is teleported to CAC’s Shanghai space as a defective holographic avatar performs a dramaturgy juxtaposing the real and unreal, unfurling a ghostly story of work, labor, body, wealth, class, and death. Artists GUO Xi and ZHANG Jianling usher us to a cyber trajectory of the epic journey that the two are concurrently undertaking in /Grand Voyage/, sailing on lands and oceans across the globe, reenacting fanciful parables in thousands of words, pictures, things and objects of the trivial and insignificant that aggregate into thick residues of sentiments and memory downloaded and parceled. While WANG Yuyang transforms the strokes of Chinese characters into “0”s and “1”s and molds these digits into myriad three-dimensional objects that can be culled by the millions to create words in sculptural forms at a mouse click, YE Funa calls out for a “congressional assemblage of manicures,” escorting a passion for beauty beyond the pageantry: “Draw nail pattern online and print them on your nails,” letting known autonomy can be as easy as whimsically exercised. MIAO Ying is a veteran of URLS; she finds loopholes to navigate the labyrinths of walls and fences in cyberspace, poking open a bit over here, hacking a crack over there, Youtube videos and dancing GIFs are her accomplices in subverting the politics and commerce of the all mighty electronic sovereign. Finally we have LIN Ke, a digital native who mesmerizes us with the mystics of a laptop ballad, rhyming with the clinching of hard drives and USB sticks and the chiming of keyboards, for him the folklore of the cyber world rehearses a joyful choir sung by a throng of things, human and nonhuman.

*电子世 界的民谣
新时线媒体艺术中心(CAC)2015年威尼斯双年 展中国馆合作项目综述*

作为2015年威尼斯双年展中国馆的媒体艺术合作伙伴机 构,*新时线媒体艺术中 心*以 “电子世界的民谣”为主题,把中国馆“民间未来”的构思 推向虚拟空间,发 展出一个系列的网上平行项目,通过这个 窗口,让民间的希望和潜力,尤其是新 生代艺术家创造性地 运用新技术、批判性地反思新技术的张力得以体现。

“电子世界的民谣”以沈莘作品《工作的旋律——对你也许 意味着更多》拉开帷幕。沈 莘将中国馆的内景实时传输至上 海的新时线媒体艺术中心的空间,以一个残缺的 全息 avatar影像演出一场真假重叠的戏剧,叙述一段关于 工作、劳作、身体、财 富、阶级与死亡的鬼魅般的故事。艺 术家郭熙、张健伶带领我们循着电子世界的 轨迹去经历一趟 他们正在同时进行中的史诗般的“大航海”,跨越地球,航 行于陆 海之间,以数不清的词章、图像、物件再造想象之预 言,使看似琐碎平凡的日志 堆积成情感与记忆的浓厚沉淀, 可供下载分享,抑或打包邮寄。当王郁洋把汉字 笔画拆解成 “0”与“1”的序列并赋予其变换无穷的三维图形,让普 罗众生只稍轻击 鼠标便能创造雕塑般的文字时,叶甫纳则召 集了一个“人民指甲大会”,抛开艳丽 的华贵,只为美而纵 情:“在线上绘制指甲的图案,然后打印在你的指甲上”, 告 诉我们自主的愿景或可如此轻松俏皮地得以践行。苗颖是 URL的老手——她在网络的 围墙和篱笆筑成的迷宫里游刃 有余,在这里戳开一个口子,在那里凿开一道缝 隙,Youtube的视频和gif动画是她用来颠覆无所 不能的电子王国之政商规则的同 谋。最后我们迎来了林科。 土生土长于数字空间的林科让我们着迷于手提电脑神 秘的歌 谣,伴着硬盘与USB存储棒间的厮磨,和着键盘敲击的协 奏。对他而言, 电子世界的民谣正预演着一出由无数的东 西,包括了人类与非人类所组成的万众 欢歌的合唱。

*About CAC  关于*新 时线媒体艺术中心

Established in 2013, *Chronus Art Center (CAC) *is China’s first nonprofit art organization dedicated to the presentation, research / creation and scholarship of media art. CAC with its exhibitions, residency-oriented fellowships, lectures and workshop programs and through its archiving and publishing initiatives, creates a multifaceted and vibrant platform for the discourse, production and dissemination of media art in a global context. CAC is positioned to advance artistic innovation and cultural awareness by critically engaging with media technologies that are transforming and reshaping contemporary experiences.

*新时线媒体艺术中心(CAC)*成 立于2013年,系国内首家致力于媒体艺术之展 示、研究 /创作及学术交流的非营利性艺术机构。通过展览、驻留、 奖学金、讲 座、工作坊及相关文献的梳理与出版,CAC为 媒体艺术在全球语境中的论述、生产 及传播开拓了一个多样 化且富有活力的平台。CAC以批判地介入不断改变进而重 塑当代经验的媒体技术来推动艺术创新及文化认知。

*Website(网址)*:www.chronusartcenter.org <http://randian-online.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=990b73d0d304c578f6f879635&id=16b868de9a&e=f2ef300e29> *Email(电子邮件)*: i...@chronusartcenter.org <mailto:i...@chronusartcenter.org>

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