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Choose Your Muse Interview, with Igor Štromajer

By Marc Garrett

Choose Your Muse is a new series of interviews where Marc Garrett asks
emerging and established artists, curators, techies, hacktivists, activists
and theorists; practising across the fields of art, technology and social
change, how and what has inspired them, personally, artistically and

Since 1989, Igor Štromajer aka Intima has shown his media art work at more
than a 130 exhibitions, festivals and biennials in 60 countries. His work
has been exhibited and presented at the transmediale, ISEA, EMAF, SIGGRAPH,
Ars Electronica Futurelab, V2_, IMPAKT, CYNETART, Manifesta, FILE,
Stuttgarter Filmwinter, Hamburg Kunsthalle, ARCO, Microwave, Banff Centre,
Les Rencontres Internationales and in numerous other galleries and museums
worldwide. His works are included in the permanent collections of the
Centre Pompidou in Paris, the MNCA Reina Sofía in Madrid, Moderna galerija
in Ljubljana, Computer Fine Arts in New York, and UGM.
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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