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Know Your Filesystem (and how it affects you)

By Dave Young.

Dave Young writes about the context of Localhost: RWX, a symposium and
worksession at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop from 29-31 October 2015. He
explores how the filesystem mediates our everyday use of computer
interfaces, shaping our interactions with our data and digital tools.

Dave Young (IE) is an artist and researcher based in Edinburgh. His
practice follows critical research into digital culture, manifested through
workshops, website development, and talks on subjects varying from
cybernetics and the Cold War history of network technologies, to issues
around copyright and open source/free culture.

He is founder of Localhost, a forum for discussing, dismantling and
disrupting network technologies, with past events focusing on Google's
entry into media art curation, and the role of analog radio as a potential
commons in the digital age. He has presented workshops and given talks at
institutions and festivals internationally, including at Edinburgh College
of Art, V2 Rotterdam, Furtherfield, LiWoLi, and Transmediale. Localhost:
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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