Montréal, 5-8 November 2015

Université du Québec à Montréal, Agora Hydro-Québec, Coeur des
Sciences, 175, avenue du Président-Kennedy, Montréal
Exhibition openings and reception on November 5 at Concordia 
University, E.V. building, 1515 Ste-Catherine West, Montréal


Re-Create conference focuses on six core thematic questions:
1). Theoretical Currents: How do the Senses, Animals and the Apocalypse
inform research-creation practices ?
(2). Sites: How have sites of research and practice evolved in Latin
America, Eastern Europe, Japan, Sweden and Indigenous Cultures?
(3). Histories of the Studio Lab: How have Australian, British,
Canadian and American artists historically worked in academia, industry
and generative art?
(4). New Methods: What can the concept of co-production (STS),musique
concrète,intersectionality theory and critical race studies, as well as
the debates about the “practice turn” in higher education provide to
the historical and critical positioning of practice?
(5). Digital Humanities and Critical Practices: What are the challenges
and the future of transdisciplinary collaboration? What can media
archeology do for the humanities and contemporary academic culture? How
has failure impacted practice-led research?
(6). Curatorial Actions and Practices: How have philosophy, industrial
creation, feminism, sound and “imageness” historically entered into
curatorial practices?
Program Chair: Dr. Christopher Salter, Co-Director, Hexagram; Associate
Professor Design and Computation Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Concordia
Co-Program Chair: Gisèle Trudel, Professor, School of Visual and Media
Arts, Arts Faculty, University of Québec at Montreal. Trudel is the
former Director of Hexagram-UQAM (2011-13) and Co-Director of Hexagram

Emerging Researchers’ (ER) Symposium des Chercheurs Émergents
04.11.2015 ER Programme here:


Thursday/jeudi 5.11.2015
DAY/JOUR 1 Media Art Histories Re-CREATE 2015


Chris SALTER, Concordia University
Oliver GRAU, Media Art Histories, Danube University

SESSION 1 – Setting the Stage : Overview and Precedents

“Pathways to Innovation in Digital Culture” Revisited 
Michael CENTURY, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Regard transversal sur des pratiques inter- et trans- 

Art-Science: A lab for discerning modes and logics of
Georgina BORN, Oxford University

Weaving Strands: Research-creation practices in universities, cultural
institutions and artist-run culture in Montreal

Gisèle TRUDEL, Université du Québec à Montréal + Cheryl SIM, DHC/ART
Foundation for Contemporary Art
17h – Concordia University, EV building

FOFA Gallery
Biomateria + Contagious Matters
Exhibition – WhiteFeather HUNTER + Tristan MATHESON, Concordia

Mangling Methodologies in Biological Art and Display Practices
Discussion Panel – FREE, OPEN TO PUBLIC

Jens HAUSER, University of Copenhagen, White Feather HUNTER, Concordia
University, Tristan MATHESON, Concordia University, Andrew PELLING,
University of Ottawa

FOFA Gallery – York Vitrine
Interactive Public Screens – Jean DUBOIS, Université du Québec à

Hexagram BlackBox
Copacabana Machine Sex: Behind the Scene 
Robotics installation in process – Bill VORN, Concordia University

Joan JONAS, Artist, New York
18h-23h – Pavillon Président-Kennedy, UQAM

Irradiate. Drawing electromagnetic frequencies with wind. Projection
architecturale modulée par données environnementales (vent et ondes
électromagnétiques). Ælab (Gisèle Trudel) with Guillaume Arseneault,
Université du Québec à Montréal

Friday/vendredi 6.11.2015 DAY/JOUR 2 Media Art Histories Re-CREATE

9h-10h30 Session 2A – Methodological Entanglements

La méthode de Pierre Scheaffer
Yan BREULEUX, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Post-digital Circulationism. On- and Offline Intermedia Discourse in
Contemporary Art and Scholarship, Katja KWASTEK, VU, University

Discourse-analytical aesthetics for digital cultures
Martina LEEKER + Irina KALDRACK, Leuphana University

Practices and Languages of Art
Sally Jane NORMAN, University of Sussex

Session 2B – Practices : Histories of the StudioLab

Fallout and Spinoffs: Commercializing the Art-Technology Movement.
Patrick McCRAY, University of California at Santa Barbara

Jozef Stanislaus Ostoja-Kotkowski, an Australian artist between Art,
Industry, Science and the Academy. Martyn JOLLY and Anthony OATES,
Australian National University

Multimedia artists and fieldwork (1960-80s)
Jelena MARTINOVIC, Geneva University of Art and Design

11h-12h KEYNOTE 2
Christine VAN ASSCHE, Chief Curator, Centre Pompidou, Paris

Rekall – An open-source environment to document, analyze and simplify
the restaging of time based media artworks. Clarisse BARDIOT + Guillaume
MARAIS, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis

Session 3A – Theories : Limiting the Anthropocene.  

End Time: Apocalyptic Systems in Media Art and Design
Kevin HAMILTON, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Orit HALPERN, The New School University

Instrumental Anthropocentrism: insects, sustainable culture and
technological innovation
Roberta BUIANI, Lakehead University

Cultural Software – Materiality and Abstraction in 60s art and
Simon PENNY, University of California at Irvine

Session 3B – Re-Making the Critical University Media Labs, Making,
and Critical Practice  [Panel], Moderator : Nicholas BALAISIS,
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Waterloo

The productive contradictions of critical making
Matt RATTO + Ginger COONS, University of Toronto

Technoromantics, Maker Culture, and Critical Neo-Luddism
Marcel O’GORMAN, University of Waterloo

Audio Toy Box: Building customizable communication therapy toys using
Radio Frequency Identification, Owen CHAPMAN + Eric POWELL, Concordia

Launch of the Media-N Journal’s special edition: Research-Creation:

Session 4A – Sites : Pioneering Experiences in Art, Science and
Technology in Latin America [PANEL]

Fotoformas, 1949-1951: Photography and Algorithmic Devices, An Early
Andrés BURBANO, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota

Franceso Mariotti: in pursuit of a hybrid ideal through art, media and
José-Carlos MARIáTEGUI, Alta Tecnología Andina, Lima

Sighting Technology in Modern and Contemporary Latin American Art
María FERNáNDEZ, Cornell University, Ithaca

Interdisciplinaries Approaches to Second Order Cybernetics During the
Early 70s in Chile : Artistic, Scientific and Techno/Political
Experiences. Marcel VELASCO, Universidad de Chile, Santiago

Session 4B – Archiving Failure: Film, History and Unfinished Projects

Notebooks, raw film reels and ephemera as Research-creation (Process)
Monika Kin GAGNON, Concordia University

Mechanography, Film and Education
Mark HAYWARD, York University

Right before the first boom: The lost stereoscopy of Norman McLaren and
the National Film Board of Canada
Alison Reiko LOADER, PhD candidate, Concordia University

Filming Simondon: Cultural Hysteresis and Technological Humanism
Ghislain THIBAULT, Wilfrid Laurier University

Saturday/samedi 07.11.2015
DAY/JOUR 3 Media Art Histories Re-CREATE 2015

9h-10h30 Session 5A – Media Archaeology and Humanities Labs: Creative
Knowledge and Practice-Based Theory [PANEL]
Moderator: Jussi PARIKKA, University of Southampton

Exhibition as Lab. Erkki Kurenniemi in 2048, Documenta 13
Joasia KRYSA,  Liverpool John Moores University in partnership with
Liverpool Biennial

Media and Computer Archaeology at Humboldt University
Stefan HöLTGEN, Humboldt University Berlin

The Theory & Practice of Posthumanities in the Media Archaeology Lab
Lori EMERSON, University of Colorado at Boulder, Media Archaeology Lab

Situating the Media Archaeology Lab: Research, Art, and the Public
Jesper OLSSON, Linkoping, Sweden

Darren WERSHLER, Concordia University

Session 5B – Practices : Curating alternate histories

Museums of the Unfinished for Unstable Memories
Giselle BEIGUELMAN, University of São Paulo

Ca-Re: Mapping and reactivating variable media artworks in the Latin
American context
Jo-Ana MORFIN and Fernando MONREAL,  Escuela Nacional de Conservación

Image-material-media – a philo-curatorial interrogation
Srajana KAIKINI, Manipal University

On display : the history and representational politics of feminist new
media and performance art, Barbara CLAUSEN, Université du Québec à

BOOK LAUNCH : Chris SALTER. Alien Agency: Experimental Encounters with
Art in the Making. MIT Press

11h-12h  KEYNOTE 3 Skawennati, Artist, Montreal

Perception, Movement, Image – Always More Than Human
Anna MUNSTER + Michele BARKER, University of New South Wales; Erin
MANNING, Concordia University

13h30-15h Session 6A – Theories : Other Senses  

Re-Habilitating Bacteria
Jens HAUSER, University of Copenhagen

Coming To Our Senses: A Report on the Sensory Turn in Curatorial and
Media Art Practice
David HOWES, Concordia University

Edmund Carpenter’s Experiments across Visual Anthropology and
Critical Media Pedagogies
Michael DARROCH, University of Windsor, Hart COHEN, University of
Western Sydney, Paul HEYER, Wilfrid Laurier University

Session 6B – Practices : Curating as research.

Virtual Volumes and Electric Choreographies Kinetic and Light Art in
the David Bermant Collection and Recent Exhibitions
Christiane PAUL, The New School

Sound Citizen: Curating Sound Art in Public Spaces
Morten SøNDERGAARD, Aalborg University

Projection Studies
Gabriel MENOTTI, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

New Media Curating : Sound as a Technological Medium
Laura Plana GRACIA

BOOK LAUNCH : Jussi PARIKKA and Joasia KRYSA. Writing and Unwriting
(Media) Art History. MIT Press

Session 7A – Methods : Interdisciplinary Imbroglio.
The Co-production of Art: Collaborations between artists, scientists
and engineers in Sweden, 1967-2009
Anna ORRGHEN, Uppsala University

Armonica/Automaton: Media Archaeologies of Affective Programming
Alison De FREN, Occidental College, Los Angeles

Writing on sound/writing with sound: intersection between sound art
practice and research in sound studies
Budhaditya CHATTOPADHYAY, University of Copenhagen

Session 7B – Practices : Tactics, ethnicities and matters

Tactical media in the age of communicative capitalism – closed story,
unfinished project or current alternative?
Maciej Ożóg, University of Łódź

Matter and Thought: Gordon Pask’s Practice-Based Research
María FERNáNDEZ, Cornell University (Ithaca)

Intersectionality and New Media Art: Your Ethnic Apparel is Still
Alice Ming Wai JIM, Concordia University

Michaela SEISER, DanubeU/Wendy COONES, DanubeU: Archive of Digital Art
– Archive of the Field 

Award Ceremony MediaArtHistories 2015 for Barbara STAFFORD 
Laudatio Oliver GRAU, DanubeU/tba

Sunday/dimanche 08.11.2015
DAY/JOUR 4 Media Art Histories Re-CREATE 2015

9h-10h30 Session 8A – Practices : Differential Sites

Slow-Scan TV Art; Revisited/Revived
Patrick LICHTY, American University of Sharjah

Psychedelic Circuitry 1880–1980. Signals between Esotericism, New
Religions, Engineering and Art – Their Potentials of Positive
Diffraction Today
Shintaro MIYAZAKI, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern

Chroma Glitch: Datamosh for Digital Video
Carolyn L. KANE, Ryerson University

Session 8B – Interdisciplinarity : Circuit breakdown.

On A Critical History of Media Art in Japan (2014)
Jung-Yeon MA, Tokyo University of the Arts

A Brief (Media) History of the Indigenous Future
Jason Edward LEWIS, Concordia University & Aboriginal Territories in

Digital Art History, 56°56′51″N 24°6′23″E
Solvita ZARINA, University of Latvia

International Networks of Early Digital Arts
Darko FRITZ, Zagreb

11h30-12h30 Session 9 – Challenges, Best Practices, and the Future of
Transdisciplinary Collaboration in Media Art, Science and Technology
Ruth WEST, University of North Texas
Roger MALINA, University of Texas
Sara DIAMOND, OCAD University
François-Joseph LAPOINTE, Université de Montréal


MAH 2017 Venue + Closing remarks/Les mots de la fin


Agora Hydro-Québec, Complexe du Coeur des sciences, Hexagram-UQAM
Salle d’expérimentation, Pavillon des Sciences biologiques,
Hall Building, Concordia University
FOFA Gallery and York Vitrine, EV Building, Concordia University
BlackBox, Hexagram-Concordia, EV Building
Pavillon Président-Kennedy, UQAM

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