LAPS & Open! present:

Technology / Affect / Space #1: Mapping Affect Space

A public discussion and research meeting about mapping technologies and 
embodiment in the emergent techno-sensuous spatial order of Affect Space. 

April 22, 14:00-18:00
De Balie, Kleine Gartmanplantsoen 10, Amsterdam 

Since 2011 we have witnessed a recurrent global media spectacle where massive 
protest gatherings in public space seem to emerge from out of nowhere, 
accompanied by an avalanche of self-produced media mostly distributed over the 
Internet. From Puerta del Sol in Madrid to the streets of Istanbul, Ferguson, 
Haren and Paris (Je (ne) Suis Charly), this recurrent spectacle appears across 
vastly different contexts and around a wide variety of issues. The pattern we 
see in these gatherings remains remarkably constant: Affectively highly charged 
mobilisations via the Internet spill over into public space, but because this 
public space is awash with mobile media and wireless networks, the "action in 
the street" immediately feeds back into the media network. How do we understand 
and engage with these massive ephemeral events and the techno-social dynamics 
producing them?

Following up on the essay Affect Space written for Open! by media theorist and 
researcher Eric Kluitenberg early 2015, Open! together with LAPS, the MIT ACT 
Art Culture and Technology program in Boston, and Het Nieuwe Instituut in 
Rotterdam has launched a public research trajectory to explore these dynamics 
beyond the protest gatherings themselves.  

In this meeting we discuss how the emergent techno-sensuous spatial order of 
Affect Space can be mapped using the very technologies that produce these new 
dynamics. We also question how the body is situated in these dense spaces as 
both an affective receptor and amplifier?

This meeting is followed by a public program organised in co-operation with Het 
Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam on Friday May 20 around the question ‘How to 
design Affect Space?’.

In parallel to these public discussions a series of six commissioned essays 
will be published on the Open! platform.  
Talks and presentations by:
Christian Nold, artist designer (Emotional Cartography), artists Esther 
Polak/Ivar van Bekkum, choreographer and media researcher Susan Kozel, cultural 
and media theorist Nishant Sha, performance artist Arthur Elsenaar, Jeroen 
Boomgaard (LAPS), and Eric Kluitenberg.

Tickets: 7,50 euro; students 2,50 euro
Reservations at De Balie: <>, +31 20 5535 

For further information:
De Balie, <> 
LAPS | Research Institute for Art & Public Space, 
Open!, Platform for Art, Culture & the Public Domain, 


Affect Space essay: <>

Christian Nold: <>

Polak / van Bekkum:

Susan Kozel:

Nishant Sha:

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