Res. Enclave 1-3, 50 Resolution Way, SE8 4NT

Kathy Rae Huffman Archive

Reading Room

Preview 28 June 6-9pm
Open by appointment 29 June - 6 August

This summer a selection of archive materials from curator Kathy Rae Huffman’s 
collection of rare books and catalogues held at Goldsmiths Library will be 
coming to Res. Huffman’s career spans the 1970s to present day, supporting 
artists to test the expressive qualities and materiality of technology 
including experimental video art, new media art,, and cyberfeminism. In 
the late ‘70s she established Long Beach Museum of Art (California, USA) as a 
regional media art centre, working with early broadcasting technology and later 
produced platforms dedicated to women online, including ‘Face Settings’ an all 
female mailing list of media specialists of more than 100 women from twenty 
countries that resulted in a series of collective cooking meetings.

Further to welcoming all general interest visitors to spend time in the Reading 
Room, artists and writers are invited to develop proposals for newly 
commissioned artwork and writing that responds to the thematics of the archive. 
The selected proposals will result in an exhibition also including historical 
works, a publication of new writing, and a series of discursive events in 
Spring 2017 at Res.

Alongside the Reading Room will be a series of events including the launch of 
Flee Immediately issue 02 (1 July), a screening of works from the archive (12 
July) and a cyberfeminist reading group (30 June & 29 July). See the website 
 for more information.

The Kathy Rae Huffman Reading Room is curated by Res. in collaboration with 
Goldsmiths Library and Special Collections and students and staff in the Visual 
Cultures and Curating departments. For further information about visiting the 
Reading Room and the proposal process visit the Res. website 
  or to arrange a visit email 
( .

Project supported by The Goldsmiths Research and Enterprise Committee [REC] and 
The Annual Fund 2016.

RSVP on Facebook here. 

Image: Ericka Beckman, Hiatus, 1999. Courtesy Mary Boone Gallery, New York.
Res. Enclave 1-3, 50 Resolution Way, London, SE8 4NT

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