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Betreff: Nouvelle vision pour la Gaîté Lyrique à Paris - La SAT est du consortium gestionnaire pour 2016-2022
Datum:  Thu, 07 Jul 2016 18:12:09 -0400
Von:    SAT [info] <infolet...@sat.qc.ca>


On July 4, 2016, the Paris City Council accorded the Delegated Public Service Contract for the Gaîté Lyrique to the Société d’Exploitation de la Gaîté Lyrique (SEGL) [Gaîté Lyrique Operating Company]. The SEGL is headed up by Marc Dondey, in partnership with Franck Bauchard - MuZ connexions, Jean-Dominique Secondi - ARTER, and Monique Savoie - la Société des arts technologiques de Montréal (SAT).

Their project offers a new vision for this space :

La Gaîté Lyrique – Paris
Digital muse for a Global City

Renovated by the City of Paris after being closed for more than 20 years, the iconic Gaîté Lyrique theater – founded in 1862 – reopened in 2011. After a first stage under the direction of Jérôme Delormas, the Gaîté Lyrique will now continue its exploration of all forms of digital creative expression and dialogue between the arts, sciences, and new technologies.

With a pioneering approach, this team – starting in January 2017 – will set out a new concept based on programming at the crossroads of artistic creation and technical and social innovation. A bold, curious spirit will pervade every floor and be active on all fronts.

A fresh, new roster of live performances and new music will be featured, in a dialogue with visual arts, design, image in movement, and the most rigorous forms of digital creation.

The Gaîté Lyrique pursues its construction as a socially-conscious, joyous, forward-looking creative space. The Living Lab will be an open platform for research, experimentation, and innovation. The Gaîté Nomade will be a traveling version of the theater, bringing its vision to a wider audience out in the field.

This project will be built along with the current Gaîté Lyrique team, making full use of all the richness and quality of the partnerships and audiences they’ve connected with. The Gaîté Lyrique will create even more joint cultural happenings with its neighbors, citizens of Paris and its greater region, with communities of artists, researchers, and students, and with digital and creative enterprises.

Every link in the chain will be connected: training, research/creation, production, and distribution/broadcasting. The Gaîté Lyrique will energetically contribute to promoting Paris and its creative and innovative potential, both in France and on the international level. The international activities of the Gaîté Lyrique will be built around a special Paris-Montréal network, with particular emphasis on the Francophone connection.

The team :

The SEGL has signed a Delegated Public Service Contract with the City of Paris, which will be in effect from August 1, 2016 through July 31, 2022.

It was created by three companies :

MuZ connexions which brings together :

Marc Dondey, Artistic Director, Producer, and Author. He has directed, led, and created programs for top-level cultural institutions in Paris, London, and Strasbourg: Almeida Theater-London, Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers, Musica Festival- Strasbourg, Conservatoire national supérieur d’art dramatique [National Conservatory of Dramatic Arts]- Paris ; Franck Bauchard, Artistic Director, Exhibit Curator, University Professor, and Researcher. He created and directed La Panacée in Montpellier. Since January 2016, he has headed up the Arts Management program and the Techne Institute on arts and emerging technologies at SUNY Buffalo ;
    Laurent Dondey, Director of SEM/La Géode productions.

SAT Développements (SAT+D), a subsidiary of the Société des arts technologiques (SAT) [Technology Arts Company] in Montréal, represented by Monique Savoie, President/Founder and Artistic Director ;

Cayley, a subsidiary of the ARTER cultural production agency, led by JeanDominique Secondi and Renaud Sabar.

The directors of SEGL are :

    Marc Dondey, General Manager and Artistic Director ;
    Monique Savoie, Deputy General Manager ;
    Jean-Dominique Secondi, Deputy General Manager.

Alongside them, an editorial board includes :

Franck Bauchard, Director of the Arts Management program and the Techne Institute, SUNY Buffalo ;
    Emma Buttin, Cultural Project Manager ;
    Laurent Dondey, Director of SEM/La Géode productions ;
    Géraldine Farage, Manager of the Shadok digital factory, Strasbourg;
    Marie Lechner, journalist specialized in digital arts and culture ;
Tommy Vaudecrane, President of the Technopol, an association for the promotion of electronic culture, arts, and music.

SEGL is supported by its financial partners, BNP, Bpifrance, and Microsoft, along with Cisco, which is proud to support the Gaîté Lyrique with its video and network solutions.


*Page web :* http://bit.ly/29SKAbC
*Contacts :*

SAT - Société des Arts Technologiques
Carolan Grégoire
Editrice média et relations de presse à cgrego...@sat.qc.ca <mailto:cgrego...@sat.qc.ca>
514 891 5122

Julien Diers
Eliott Margueron
Georges de Saint Mars
gaitelyri...@bureaujigsaw.com <mailto:gaitelyri...@bureaujigsaw.com>
+33 1 48 07 39 31 / +33 6 51 19 67 07

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