*Ràdio Web MACBA most listened podcasts - July 20161-SON[I]A #229. Andrea

Link: http://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/andrea-fraser/capsula
Andrea Fraser talks about the challenges and limitations of cultural
activism, about the sub-fields of art, the relationship between artists and
the market, and the museum in the neoliberal era.

<http://rwm.macba.cat/en/composingwithprocess_tag> series. Curated by Mark
Fell and Joe Gilmore*Link <http://rwm.macba.cat/en/composingwithprocess_tag>:

COMPOSING WITH PROCESS <http://rwm.macba.cat/en/composingwithprocess_tag>
is a series, curated by Mark Fell and Joe Gilmore, which explores
generative approaches to composition and performance primarily in the
context of experimental technologies and music practices of the latter part
of the 20th Century. Each episode is accompanied by an additional
programme, entitled EXCLUSIVES <http://rwm.macba.cat/en/exclusives-tag/>,
featuring unpublished sound pieces by leading sound artists working in the

*3- PROBES series. Curated by Chris Cutler

Link: http://rwm.macba.cat/en/probes_tag

PROBES <http://rwm.macba.cat/en/probes_tag> takes Marshall McLuhan’s
conceptual contrapositions as a starting point to analyse and expose the
search for a new sonic language made urgent after the collapse of tonality
in the twentieth century. The series looks at the many probes and
experiments that were
launched in the last century in search of new musical resources, and a new
aesthetic; for ways to make music adequate to a world transformed by
disorientating technologies.

*4-  *
*SON[I]A #228. Christoph Draeger*Link*: *

Christoph Draeger talks about disasters and disastertainment, surveillance,
copies and originals, critical distance, reenactments, layers of meanings,
and provocation.

*5- FONS AUDIO #42. Carlos Garaicoa* (only available in Spanish)
Link: http://rwm.macba.cat/en/specials/fons-audio-carlos-garaicoa/capsula

Carlos Garaicoa talks about his education in Cuba, about the pressing need
to move beyond post-colonial narratives, about his cultural activism, and
about 'Yo no quiero ver más a mis vecinos' ('I Don’t Want to See My
Neighbours Any More'), which forms part of the MACBA Collection.

*6- ON LISTENING. Research process: Jacob Kirkegaard*
Link: http://rwm.macba.cat/en/extra/jacob-kirkegaard/capsula

In this podcast, Kirkegaard reflects on the importance of listening and
argues that sound art can create purely sensory spaces that go beyond our
immediate perception, helping us to grasp the unfathomable.

*7- PROBES #18. Curated by Chris Cutler*

Link: http://rwm.macba.cat/en/curatorial/probes-18-1-chris-cutler/capsula

In this podcast, lowly percussion is raised high and we enter in the
hyperreal world of hi-fi stereo, pure listening and exotica.

* SON[I]A #226. Alvin Lucier*

*9- SON[I]A #201. Georges Didi-Huberman*Link:

Interview with Georges Didi-Huberman about the problems regarding the way
in which we see and interpret images, a problematic issue that stems from
the definition of what an image is, and from the hierarchy that has
historically been imposed on the dialectic between words and images.

*10-  SON[I]A #221. Enric Farrés Duran. Traducción simultánea*
(only available in Spanish)

Para un artista que concibe las presentaciones y visitas guiadas como una
parte esencial de su práctica, este episodio especial en el que Enric dobla
al español y sobre la marcha su entrevista previa en catalán
<http://rwm.macba.cat/es/sonia/enric-farres/capsula>, se puede entender
como una pieza más del rompecabezas Farrés. Un poco de doblaje
performativo, comentarios sobre comentarios, metainformación y algo de

*+2 you should not miss!**1/ *
*OBJECTHOOD #4. Curated by Roc Jiménez de Cisneros*Link:

The slippery materiality of untraceable objects: from the arsenic poisoning
the wells of Bangladesh as told by Nabil Ahmed, to Arie Altena's account of
the superstition surrounding the Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia, or the
bizarre biology of the vampire squid from hell in a passage of Vilém
Flusser’s ‘Vampyroteuthis Infernalis’ read by AGF.

*2/* *SON[I]A #221. Franco "Bifo" Berardi*


Bifo about mass killings in relation to cinema, mental health,
neuroplasticity, friendship, irony and, ultimately, hope.

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