*Ràdio Web MACBA most listened podcasts - September 2016*
*1- PROBES series. Curated by Chris Cutler

Link: http://rwm.macba.cat/en/probes_tag

PROBES <http://rwm.macba.cat/en/probes_tag> takes Marshall McLuhan’s
conceptual contrapositions as a starting point to analyse and expose the
search for a new sonic language made urgent after the collapse of tonality
in the twentieth century. The series looks at the many probes and
experiments that were launched in the last century in search of new musical
resources, and a new aesthetic; for ways to make music adequate to a world
transformed by disorientating technologies.

*2-SON[I]A #229. Andrea Fraser*

Link: http://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/andrea-fraser/capsula
Andrea Fraser talks about the challenges and limitations of cultural
activism, about the sub-fields of art, the relationship between artists and
the market, and the museum in the neoliberal era.

*3-  **FONS AUDIO #44. Malcolm Le Grice*

Link: http://rwm.macba.cat/en/specials/fons-audio-malcolm-le-grice/capsula

In FONS AUDIO #44, Malcolm Le Grice talks about his 1970 work "Berlin
Horse", which is part of the MACBA Collection and moves on to expanded
cinema, materialist structuralism, latency, suspense, and the
representation of time in his work.

*4- **SON[I]A #230. Jota Izquierdo *
*(only available in Spanish)*
Link: http://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/jota-izquierdo/capsula

Jota Izquierdo talks about Capitalismo Amarillo, about the informal
economy, underground entrepreneurship, exoticization, and pirate ingenuity
and reproducibility, all to the rhythm of cumbia.

*5- *
*SON[I]A #229. Andrea Fraser. Deleted scenes*
Link: http://rwm.macba.cat/en/extra/andrea-fraser-deleted/capsula

We dig up some unreleased fragments of the interview with Andrea Fraser
<http://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/andrea-fraser/capsula> that we were unable
to include the first time around. we discussed "Down the river": an audio
installation for a massive space, trying to reframe the spectacle of space.

*+2 podcasts you should not miss!*
*1/ ON LISTENING. Research process: Jacob Kirkegaard*
Link: http://rwm.macba.cat/en/extra/jacob-kirkegaard/capsula

In this podcast, Kirkegaard reflects on the importance of listening and
argues that sound art can create purely sensory spaces that go beyond our
immediate perception, helping us to grasp the unfathomable.

*2/ **PROBES #18. Curated by Chris Cutler*

Link: http://rwm.macba.cat/en/curatorial/probes-18-1-chris-cutler/capsula

In this podcast, lowly percussion is raised high and we enter in the
hyperreal world of hi-fi stereo, pure listening and exotica.

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