The RAINFOREST Workshop [1], by Derek Holzer and Mads Bech Paluszewski-Hau, is a contemporary re-interpretation of David Tudor’s series of compositions from the 1970′s entitled “Rainforest”. It uses special types of sonic transducers to play live sounds through various found metallic objects, making the whole performance space an orchestra of resonant voices to be played.

In the context of the Artefact Festival 2017 [2], STUK [3] in Leuven, Belgium will host the Rainforest workshop from 25.02.17 to 01.03.17 with support from the Danish Arts Foundation [4].

Together with Holzer and Paluszewski-Hau, 8 participants will work collaboratively to build the installation and rehearse for an evening-long performance which demonstrates the sonic worlds to be found within common objects.


We are seeking a maximum of 8 participants to join us. You should be:

* A sound artist, experimental musician, or student in either of these fields * Able to bring your own electronic performance instrument (w/ 1 mono output + 1 mono input) * Able to play in a free, expressive and improvisational manner (i.e. no repetitive dance music)

We would prefer a gender-balanced team, and highly encourage female applicants.

The is no fee for participating in this workshop, but we expect that participants will be able to join us for working sessions on all five days of the workshop, all the way from the start on 25.02.17 through to the performance on the evening of 01.03.17. We hope that you will also be able to stay for the tearing-down of the installation the morning of 02.03.17 as well.


Please send an email to <> with the subject line "RAINFOREST 2017" before JAN 28 2017 at the latest, containing the following information:

* Your name and short biography
* What can offer to a collaborative workshop/installation/performance
* Your artistic homepage
* A link to *ONE* audio or video clip which you think represents your sonic approach
* Your confirmation that you can participate in every day of the workshop

We will accept participants on a rolling basis, so you are encouraged to send your information as early as possible.


The resulting RAINFOREST "performative installation" should shift between relatively static installation-like moments and performative sections where the artists seek new relationships with the objects and each other. The audience will be free to move around the performance space, engage in conversations and explore the resonant objects, thus adding new life to the rainforest.

Additionally, there will be evening lectures by specialists from a local university on topics related to the RAINFOREST concept, such as structural acoustics, bioacoustics or acoustic anthropology [to be confirmed].


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