*New podcast: In this PROBES #22.2 by Chris Cutler
world’s instruments get stirred into ever more varieties of nutritious
musical soup. (Do not boil!)*

Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/curatorial/probes22-2-chris-cutler/capsula

The PROBES <http://rwm.macba.cat/en/probes_tag> Auxiliaries collect
materials related to each episode that try to give a broader – and more
immediate – impression of the field. They are a scan, not a deep listening
vehicle; an indication of what further investigation might uncover and, for
that reason, most are edited snapshots of longer pieces. We have tried to
light the corners as well as the central arena, and to not privilege
so-called serious over so-called popular genres. In this auxiliary, Asian
instruments find their way into all sorts of unexpected situations, both at
home and abroad.

>>PROBES #22
>>PROBES #22. Transcript
>>And here you can find the complete series of PROBES

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