Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana, is proud to announce:

Bodies, Borders and Technology
Conference & exhibition

Curated by: James Bridle

Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture
Trg prekomorskih brigad 3, Ljubljana

TUESDAY, 24 April 2018
17:00–17:45  James Bridle: The Real Name Game
17:45–18:15  Mojca Pajnik: Reclaiming Humanity: The Utopias of World Citizenship
18:30–19:00  Marco Ferrari: Italian Limes: Mapping the Shifting Border Across 
Alpine Glaciers
19:00–19:30  Q&A

20:30  Exhibition opening: Transnationalisms – Part I
+MSUM Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Maistrova 3, Ljubljana
Artists: Studio Folder

WEDNESDAY, 25 April 2018
17:00–17:45  Eleanor Saitta: Performing States
17:45–18:15  Denis Maksimov: steɪt əv nəʊlænd [State of Noland]: On Potent 
Futures Post-Sovereignty, Nationalism & Imperialism
18:30–19:00  Jean Peters (Peng! Collective): Hacking Politics with Subversion, 
Civil Disobedience and Law   
19:00–19:30  Q&A

20:30  Exhibition opening: Transnationalisms – Part II
Aksioma | Project Space, Komenskega 18, Ljubljana
Artists: Raphael Fabre, Jeremy Hutchison, They Are Here, Julian Oliver, Daniela 
Ortiz, Jonas Staal

Free admission.
Please fill in the registration form 
  by 23 April 2018. 

We live in a time of stark and often violent paradoxes: the increasing 
liberalisation of social values in some parts of the world compared to 
increasing fundamentalism in others; the wealth of scientific discovery and 
technological advances in contrast to climate denialism, “post-factual” and 
conspiracy-driven politics; freedom of movement for goods and finance while 
individual movement is ever more constricted and subject to law; a drive 
towards agency, legibility and transparency of process while automation, 
computerisation and digitisation, render more of the world opaque and remote. 
At every level, mass movement of peoples and the rise of planetary-scale 
computation is changing the way we think and understand questions of geography, 
politics, and national identity.
These ever-increasing contradictions are seen most acutely at the border. Not 
merely the border between physical zones and between nation states, with their 
differing legal jurisdictions and requirements for entry and residency, but 
also the border between the physical and digital, when we apparently - but 
perhaps misleadingly and certainly temporarily - cross over into a different 
zone of possibility and expression.
This contradiction is also clear in the balkanisation of newly independent and 
fragmenting states, and in the rising current of nationalism across Europe, 
which seems to run in parallel to, and might even be accelerated by, digital 
connectivity. Some of the most outwardly regressive powers themselves employ 
what Kremlin theorist Vladislav Surkov has called “non-linear strategy”: a 
strategy of obfuscation and deliberate contradiction clearly indebted to the 
convolutions and confusions of the digital terrain - and of art. As ever more 
varied expressions of individual identity are encouraged, revealed, made 
possible and validated by online engagement, so at the same time a desperate 
rearguard action is being fought to codify and restrain those identities - 
online and off. These new emergent identities are, inevitably and by necessity, 
transient and contingent, slippery and subject to change and redefinition.
The artists featured in Transnationalisms address the effect of these pressures 
on our bodies, our environment, and our political practices. They register 
shifts in geography as disturbances in the blood and the electromagnetic 
spectrum. They draw new maps and propose new hybrid forms of expression and 
identity. In the exhibition and in associated lectures from artists, 
researchers and theorists, Transnationalisms acknowledges and even celebrates 
the contradictions of the present moment, while insisting on the transformative 
possibilities of digital tools and networks on historical forms of nationalism, 
citizenship, and human rights. While the nation state is not about to 
disappear, it is already pierced and entangled with other, radically different 
forms. Alternative models and protocols of citizenship, identity, and 
nationhood are being prototyped and distributed online and through new 
technologies. Transnationalisms examines the ways in which these new forms are 
brought into the physical world and used to disrupt and enfold existing 
systems. It does not assume the passing of old regimes, but proclaims the 
inevitability of new ones, and strives to make them legible, comprehensible, 
and accessible.

More about the event: www.aksioma.org/transnationalisms

Production: Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana, 2018
Coproduction: Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture, Ljubljana and Drugo more, 
Partner: Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana
Supported by: the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, the Ministry 
of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, the Municipality of Ljubljana.

Transnationalisms is realized in the framework of State Machines 
<http://www.statemachines.eu> , a joint project by Aksioma (SI), Drugo more 
(HR), Furtherfield (UK), Institute of Network Cultures (NL) and NeMe (CY).
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This 
communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot 
be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained 

Marcela Okretič
Aksioma | Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana

Aksioma | Project Space
Komenskega 18, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
gsm: + 386 – (0)41 – 250830
e-mail: marc...@aksioma.org


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