We would like to inform you that the Center for Art and Urbanistics (ZK/U) is currently releasing an Open Callwith the following deadline: May 20th, 2018.

The programme is open to a range of contemporary artistic positions that are conceptual, interventionist, contextual and critical within the fields of urban research, geography, anthropology, urbanism, architecture and the humanities. The guidelines can be found on our website, by following this link <http://www.zku-berlin.org/apply/>.

Conceptual framework of the ZK/U Residency programme:



Application Process: http://www.zku-berlin.org/apply/

Deadline: May 20th, 2018



In the context of its art and research residency programme, ZK/U offers a ‘living & work’ space for artists, scholars and practitioners that concern themselves with the phenomenon of ‘the city’. The programme is open to a range of contemporary artistic positions that are conceptual, interventionist and contextual. Work at ZK/U is informed by theoretical and practice-based critiques within the fields of urban research, geography, anthropology, urbanism, architecture and the humanities. Residents are encouraged to involve themselves with ZK/U’s programme and to propose their own formats. In the frame of this Open Call, ZK/U is particularly interested in initiatives that create spaces for encounter and exchange between citizens from diverse backgrounds; formats that question and reclaim urban infrastructure and public space for the commons; practices that make global complexities graspable in a local context; and projects that imagine forms of local belonging within post-migration societies.

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