*Ràdio Web MACBA most listened podcasts - September 2018*

*PROBES series. Curated by Chris Cutler

Link: http://rwm.macba.cat/en/probes_tag

PROBES <http://rwm.macba.cat/en/probes_tag> takes Marshall McLuhan’s
conceptual contrapositions as a starting point to analyse and expose the
search for a new sonic language made urgent after the collapse of tonality
in the twentieth century. The series looks at the many probes and
experiments that were launched in the last century in search of new musical
resources, and a new aesthetic; for ways to make music adequate to a world
transformed by disorientating technologies.

You can find the latest instalment of the series, tackling the issue of
noise - and what we mean by it – before examining the toy symphonies and
the musical career of the infamous toy piano.

*2- **OBJECTHOOD #6,
interviews with McKenzie Wark, Liam Young and Mette Edvardsen, and music
by  Stephan Mathieu.*


a podcast about objects, in particular about theories that have recently
brought us new perspectives on objects from contemporary art and theory. In
this episode, we talk to McKenzie Wark, Liam Young and Mette Edvardsen
about space. Space, and the spaces we inhabit as mediating objects. Space
as object of desire, as the ultimate “outer”. Space as a medium for
extremely strange objects, from heavenly bodies to UFOs and many other
myths. A three-way look at the idea of space, from political theory to
performance art.

*This podcast is part of Re-Imagine Europe, co-funded by the Creative
Europe programme of the European Union*.

*Music commissioned to Stephan Mathieu. Curated and produced by Roc Jiménez
de Cisneros.*

*3- SON[I]A #269. Mônica Hoff
<https://rwm.macba.cat/es/sonia/monica-hoff-main/capsula>(Only available in

Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/es/sonia/monica-hoff-main/capsula

Mônica Hoff habla de dadaísmo epistemológico, pedagogía en público,
instituciones que aprenden, el disenso como estrategia para generar
movimiento y pensamiento, escalas, micropolítica, grietas en las que ocurre
todo, ir lento e, incluso, parar.

*4-  SON[I]A #267. DJ Riobamba

Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/dj-riobamba/capsula

We talk to Sara Skolnick about organising parties for almost ten years,
about multiple identities, the traumas of migration, processes of
assimilation, music, catharsis and activism, the queer space that opens up
in the underground scene, her social intervention projects, the origins of
dembow and reggaeton, Justin Bieber, y… toda esa vaina.

*5-  **SON[I]A #201. Georges Didi-Huberman

Link: http://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/georges-didi-huberman/capsula

Interview with Georges Didi-Huberman about the problems regarding the way
in which we see and interpret images, a problematic issue that stems from
the definition of what an image is, and from the hierarchy that has
historically been imposed on the dialectic between words and images.

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