We dig up some unreleased fragments of the interview with Sofía Olascoaga
<https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sofia-olascoaga-main/capsula> that we were
unable to include the first time around.

Deleted scenes link:

*00:00* Understanding the recent history of Cuernavaca. Interconnecting an
affective geneaology vs 2008 War against drugs: a state of madness, fear
and death.
*05:27* “Between Utopia and Disillusionment: Art as an Activator of
Political Experience”, 2014
*09:55* Looking at community radios as convivial tools
*11:21* Daniel Morales: XEH Sin Permiso project. A pirate radio
*12:58* Working in the intersections of artistic practices, forms of
research and education practices
*16:20* Education as a curatorial practice

This podcast is part of Re-Imagine Europe, co-funded by the Creative Europe
programme of the European Union.


*You can listen to our main feature with Sofía Olascoaga here -> *

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