arebyte Gallery's new exhibition by Helen Knowles looks at value systems
and wealth disparity, with four video works, a soundscape and a coin-drop
sculpture which is linked to the Blockchain via Ethereum. Running until 26
February 2020, part of arebyte's yearly programme around *Systems. *

*Trickle Down, A New Vertical Sovereignty* is a tokenised four-screen video
installation and generative soundscape attached to the blockchain, which
explores value systems and wealth disparity. The artwork is composed of
auction scenes, performances and choral interludes by different communities
such as prisoners, blockchain technology employees, market sellers, and
Sotheby’s auction bidders. *Trickle Down, A New Vertical Sovereignty *draws
on technological and financial power structures which traditionally
scaffold the disparity between a wealthy elite and everyday working people
but looks to re-imagine our vertically stacked digital ecosystem to
horizontally distribute wealth.

The installation commences when a visitor drops a pound coin into a machine
designed to expose the mechanisms needed to convert fiat currency into
crypto-currency. Each and every member of the Trickle Down community, who
has helped the work come to fruition,  will receive a share of the ETH via
a smart contract on the blockchain.

Rebecca Edwards
arebyte Gallery
+44 7450 641 411

*arebyte Gallery*
Java House, 7 Botanic Square, London City Island, E14 0LG

*On Now: *
*Trickle Down, A New Vertical Sovereignty*
<> | Helen Knowles |
opening 23 Jan - 26 Feb
arebyte on screen <> | 2020 programme starting

*Going *| group exhibition + performance night | opening 5 March | charity # 1167185
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<> | instagram
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