*New deleted scenes with artist and filmmaker Isaac Julien*

We dig up some unreleased fragments of an interview with Isaac Julien
<https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-306-isaac-julien> that we were unable
to include the first time around.

The work of Isaac Julien moves through liminal spaces. Overlapping zones
between photography, film, and installation; choreography and dance; poetry
and music… and the infinite possible versions, iterations, and variations
that can emerge from systematic work with the archive. Intersections in
which fiction, documentary, narrative, and radicality converge to produce
aesthetically meticulous and politically powerful imaginaries and stories
that challenge white heterosexual film conventions through their
temporalities, narrative construction, and aesthetic forms.


00:01 Reflecting on John Akomfrah's notion of Hauntologies
04:56 "Looking for Langston" (1989): a very haunting film
06:39 A few thoughts and memories about "This is not an AIDS advertisement"
10:28 Reenactments vs archival footage: Langston Hughes, Frantz Fanon, Lina
Bo Bardi

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