*New podcast <https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-311-alma-soderberg> with
Alma Sörderberg*

In this podcast, choreographer and performer Alma Söderberg
<https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-311-alma-soderberg>tells us about the
many musical influences that inspire her choreographic practice: jazz,
flamenco, hip hop, and experimental and Afro-American music. She also talks
about multiplicity, reduced listening and deep listening, about letting
rhythm run through you, about the voice, sharing, idiorhythms, Anni Albers,
weaving, learning to wait, and about playing.

Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-311-alma-soderberg

Alma Söderberg is a choreographer and performer who works with music and
dance. As well as exploring close listening, Alma listens to rhythm and
movement, in order to inhabit polyrythm and "simultaneous difference", to
quote Eric Davis by way of Alma. In her solos and choreographic
projects, which are developed in close collaboration with the sound artist
Hendrik Willekens, her voice and body "play" the space as though it were an
instrument.  Her unadorned synchronies of voice, rhythm, and movement blur
and merge sight and sound in minimal, repetitive, precise movements. Sound
and movement are perceived as one and the same. Voice, language, and text
dissolve in melody and rhythm. Background and foreground disappear.

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