We dig up some unreleased fragments
<https://rwm.macba.cat/en/extra/sonia-277-marina-grzinic-deleted-scenes> of
our conversation with video artist, activist and researcher Marina Gržinić,
which we were unable to include the first time around. Marina reflects on
her trajectory, together with Aina Šmid, in the field of video art and new
media, from the eighties to the present day, from a feminist and socialist

Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/extra/sonia-277-marina-grzinic-deleted-scenes

00:01 Video projects with Aina Šmid (1982). From homemade editing to the
analysis of films.
02:09 A socialist appropriation of Cindy Sherman
03:48 “Homosexuality and culture”, the first coming out of the gay and
lesbian community in 1984 in Slovenia
07:41 And then the 90s was all about the war in the Balkans
09:31 The window of opportunity that came with Socialism: it did not take
culture into account
10:18 From the 2000s on: it's about capitalism
13:12 Vocabularies, dystopia, humanity

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