Les écrits du numérique #5     
8 et 9 avril 2021, on line meetings
Alphabetville and La Marelle, with Leonardo, Ensad, IRI
« Les écrits du numérique » are some meetings dedicated to the transformations 
and questions generated by digital technologies into writing practices. 
Researches and experimentations are shared to exchange and to discuss about 
perspectives into this domain.
This new edition will focus on « Télé/graphie(s) ».
Due to health crisis, online activities and relationships, ever developped 
since the web access, have increased significantly. Which kind of existences, 
of relations, are produced, and how do we communicate while we spend most of 
our time through teletechnologies ?
These questions have ever been asked and theorized, but the fact is now really 
present in our lifes, while we seem to be more absents, due to the distances. 
So the digital network provokes a singular kind of sociality.
This programm will observe several kinds and forms of distant writings, or 
modes of communication. From the word tele, far, and graphy, writing, it will 
try to demo and discuss about the evolutions and the extensions of the domaine 
of télé/graphie(s).
Full programm and informations : 
Inscriptions (to receive a connexion link) : alphabetvi...@orange.fr 
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