*New podcast: Conversation with DeForrest Brown, Jr. | Speaker Music


DeForrest Brown Jr.’s work includes music released under the moniker
Speaker Music, but largely revolves around research and writing. He looks
back at the complex roots of black American culture and at phenomena like
techno, in order to expose this systematic obliteration. And above all, to
draw attention to the neglected creativity of its pioneers and the rich
sonic universe they created from the rubble of a crumbling Detroit. Against
the tide of the prevailing narrative, Brown’s work seeks to contextualize
these episodes by highlighting key economic and political factors of the
time, intertwined with personal anecdotes and a sincere love for the music.

We talk to DeForrest Brown Jr.
about techno and black counter-culture, Detroit veterans, broken futures,
Reaganomics, screams, government sanctioned murder, and Disco Demolition in
the post-truth era.

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