A modern fable told in the form of an adventure artistic video game.


Dear Cyber-explorer,

Over the past 10 months, In-Dialog collective & Children of Cyberspace have 
been working on a very special project.
June: Tales from Cyberspace, a modern fable told in the form of an adventure 
artistic video game. Designed by architects and artists, in collaboration with 
the contemporary art collectors from DSLcollection, June is a game that awakens 
your senses and your mind.

 ends in 3 days, and we thought you might be interested in supporting this 
challenging game.

Plugging your brain into a highly addictive and introspective experience.
There comes a time in our lives when we stop to ask ourselves the really, 
really big questions.

June is a third-person adventure game in which every object you see could be 
turned into a puzzle or used to advance the story. Everything you do, 
everything you see within the context of the game is charged with meaning and 
cultural reference. There are no superfluous actions and each moment of 
gameplay has something meaningful to offer.
[Do it for June-03]

Thanks a lot for your help.

Virtually yours,

June & the Children of Cyberspace
Calin Segal, Tiffany Attali, Eleonore Audi & Codin Segal.
 | [Manage your 
9 rue Pascal, 75011
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