CASTING COLLABORATORS for Reasons to Scream, an Audio-Film

Set in the near future, a queer feminist collective uses the power of their unified voices to disarm sexual predators.

Seeking (experienced or inexperienced) voice-actors, poets, artists, performers, etc. who are interested in and dedicated to a collaborative process of:
a) developing their own (not culturally appropriated) character; 
b) working together on writing the script (for which a storyline already exists) and; c) performing their character for the audio-recording of this unusual ‘film.’

This audio-film attempts to deconstruct some hierarchies of filmmaking that enable sexual violence - the image-sound relationship and its part in the Gaze, as well as those of film production itself.

A collective of 8 reluctant superhero*ines with the common struggle of living under threat of sexual and/or gender-based violence. They are witches, scientists, tech geeks, activists, musicians, artists, bodyworkers, sexworkers, and other practitioners. Their range of experiences of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, racialization, economic and educational class, religion, spirituality, culture, immigration, incarceration, colonization, language, physical and neurological ability, age, and personality causes clashes and conflict as they negotiate and try to come to consensus in their aim of disrupting toxic hierarchies.

early Oct: casting
Oct-Mar: 12x 4-hr scriptwriting sessions
April: 6 days rehearsals and recording

This is an arts-funded project with a fixed fee for collaborators, paid out by invoice. For safety and accessibility, much of the work will occur online. The rehearsals and recording will be held in a Berlin studio with a wheelchair-accessible toilet, elevator, and full+extra Covid safety measures in place. If you’re inspired and would like to find out more, please write to me by Sept. 18th:

Juli Saragosa (n.p./she/they)
<filmmaker / sound designer>
+49 (0) 176 8538 1058
IG: @juli.saragosa

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