Dear Friends,
the situation is dramatic, many people help, many have panic attacks, many engage themselves in various supporting activities. As the 8 of March is approaching, we are preparing demos and events, seems that this year it is more than ever, that our voices should be heard - for Ukraine, for women and men in Ukraine, for global peace and ending of this madness. 

We invite you to have a voice, have a scream, wherever you are, in a group or alone - one minute of scream (not so easy as one thinks, but after one minute of constant oxygen delivery, it also feels better, more powerful). 

The action is not new, we initiated it back in 2019, but it really seems it is needed. It is just one minute, but a powerful minute. 

wish you all strenght, safety, peace, 
best wishes,

Anna Krenz

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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