
Interdisciplinarity in curatorial networks (23 - 24 February 2023)

Methodology of researching historical exhibitions (16 - 17 March 2023)

The project Beyond Matter wishes to announce two workshops that will take place at the ZKM in the context of the exhibition "Matter. Non-Matter. Anti-Matter." Museum professionals, cultural practitioners, and researchers are invited to join the workshops that are organized in a cooperation between the ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe and Leuphana University Lüneburg. The workshops will be implemented in an interactive way, with moderated contributions of the audience, organized as fishbowl discussions.

ZKM, Lecture Hall, free entry
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Language: English

Workshop 1: Interdisciplinarity in curatorial networks

23 - 24 February 2023

The exhibition "Matter. Non-Matter. Anti-Matter" deals with the reconstruction of historical exhibitions, focusing on virtual 3D models of the exhibitions Les Immatériaux (Centre Pompidou, 1985) and Iconoclash (ZKM | Karlsruhe, 2002). Both projects sought to develop the exhibition concepts and contents through specially constructed interdisciplinary networks of artists, scientists, and curators. This workshop explores the different structures that such interdisciplinary curatorial networks can take, and discusses them in light of the concepts and the results that they engender. The goal will be to reflect on the recent research about these two exemplary exhibitions and to broaden the scope for addressing the questions they raised about interdisciplinarity in art and science.

On the afternoon of Thursday 23 Feb, the invited speakers will present exemplary cases of interdisciplinary curatorial networks, followed by an in-depth discussion with participants and the audience on Friday 24 Feb.

Invited presenters:

Barbara Vanderlinden, Daniel Tyradellis, Beatrice von Bismarck, Gabriele Gramelsberger, Bassam El Baroni

Workshop 2: Methodology of researching historical exhibitions

16 - 17 March 2023

For more than three decades, art history and science studies have increasingly engaged in researching exhibitions as the sites and the media of production, presentation, and negotiation. This workshop discusses the methods of the comparative study and description of exhibition histories with regard to the examples of Les Immatériaux and Iconoclash. It evaluates aesthetic, epistemological, and political aspects and the meanings generated by the ensembles of curators, networks, and exhibits that constitute such exhibition projects. Another focus is placed on the investigation of the medial conditions of historical exhibitions, and on the relationship between medial and methodological innovations.

On the afternoon of Thursday 16 March, the invited speakers will present exemplary historical exhibitions, followed by an in-depth discussion about research methodologies with participants and the audience on Friday 17 March.

Invited presenters:

Francesca Gallo, Lucy Steeds, Jérôme Glicenstein, Marcella Lista, Luise Reitstätter, Kai-Uwe Hemken

Organised and moderated by

Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás and Felix Koberstein (ZKM, Beyond Matter, research on "Iconoclash")

Andreas Broeckmann (Leuphana University, research on "Les Immatériaux")

For further information:

The workshops take place as a cooperation of the ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe and Leuphana University Lüneburg, Institute for Philosophy and Art Studies, research project »Les Immatériaux Research« (funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG funding BR 6317/2).

The workshops coincide with the exhibition:

Matter. Non-Matter. Anti-Matter. Past Exhibitions as Digital Experiences
December 03, 2022 – April 23, 2023

ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe
Lorenzstrasse 19, 76135 Karlsruhe

Beyond Matter is led by ZKM | Hertz-Lab in partnership with Aalto University, Centre Pompidou New Media Department, Ludwig Múzeum, Tallinn Art Hall, Tirana Art Lab. HAWK, EPFL Pavilions and GIM Gesellschaft für Innovative Marktforschung mbH are associated partners of the project.

The project is co-funded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union. The software and hardware that are developed for museums of the future in the framework of the project are funded by the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.
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