Dear friends,
we are proud to announce our new Podcast channel!
We hope you'll enjoy listening :)
Marcela and Janez


*Tactics&Practice [podcast]: Scale*
August-September 2023

*Tactics&Practice [podcast]* is an audio extension of Aksioma’s discursive
programme of the same name, focused on investigative art, society and new

Each year Tactics&Practice <> takes on
a specific theme. The 14th edition, held in Ljubljana in the spring of
2023, was devoted to the theme of scale. Journalist and researcher *Neja
Berger* followed the entire programme and interviewed some of its
protagonists for the podcast channel's first miniseries.

Most of the phenomena that affect the social world and underlie the ways in
which social powers – economic, political, ideological and military –
establish and act take place in realms that are much larger or smaller than
the human scale. In this podcast series artists, anthropologists and
academic researchers engage in a dialogue about their latest projects in
order to make us think outside the human scale. Listeners will be
acquainted with intelligent materials, demonic energy infrastructures,
local informal networks of data distribution and autonomous weapon systems,
and will thereby discover that new paradigms and scales are needed to
better understand – and possibly subvert – the world we live in.


*Scale | Ep.#1: Matter as a Subject [w/ Laura Tripaldi]  *🎧* LISTEN HERE
On the nanoscale, materials can appear as vibrant, lively subjects that can
even have political implications... [MORE]

*Scale | Ep.#2: Alternative Networks in Cuba [w/ Steffen Köhn & Nestor
*Release: 18 August 2023*
Alternative community-based data distribution networks on the local scale
have emerged in Cuba as a consequence of the economic sanctions imposed on
the country in recent decades... [MORE]

*Scale | Ep.#3: Russian Neocolonialism as Demonic Possession [w/ Anna
Engelhardt & Mark Cinkevich]*
*Release: 25 August 2023 *
Infrastructures of abnormous scale are the materialisation of
neocolonialism. Megabridges, power plants, military bases are means of
dispossession, invasion, extraction perpetrated by bigger countries upon
smaller sovereign states... [MORE]

*Scale | Ep.#4: Neocolonial Extraction and Surveillance [w/ Anthony Downey]*
*Release: 1 September 2023*
The concept of scale is intrinsically related to mapping, which is
intrinsically related to colonisation and neocolonial military practices...

You can listen to podcast episodes at Aksioma website
<> or at SoundCloud
<>, Spotify
<>, Apple
<> and Google
(coming soon!) podcasts.

Host: Neja Berger
Guests: Laura Tripaldi, Steffen Köhn & Nestor Siré, Anna Engelhardt & Mark
Cinkevich, Anthony Downey
Recording and editing: Neja Berger
Audio Mix: Staš Kramar
Music: Gašper Torkar

Scale podcast series
Curated by Janez Fakin Janša
Produced by Marcela Okretič
for Tactics&Practice#14: Scale

Production: Aksioma – Institute of Contemporary Art, Ljubljana
<>, 2023

Part of:
konS – Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art

The project konS – Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art was chosen
on the public call for the selection of the operations “Network of
Investigative Art and Culture Centres”. The investment is co-financed by
the Republic of Slovenia and by the European Regional Development Fund of
the European Union.
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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