Call for Papers for the 11th Int. Conference on the Histories of Media Art,
Science and Technology titled Re:generative in Colombia in May 2025


Conference dates: May 5–9, 2025 in Manizales (World Cultural Heritage Site)
& Bogotà (Capital City) in Colombia.

CfP deadline July 26, 2024.


In a context of profound changes and transformations, the regenerative is
presented as an alternative to restore, renew or reconstruct lost or
invisible memories. From the perspective of sustainability, the regenerative
implies thinking about actions that imply survival as a vital matter of
engendering for its re-existence.


The organizing committee invites researchers of different areas, disciplines
and practices to submit individual papers, posters and full panels with new
and original research preferably in the following themes:


*       Individuals, groups and communities co-creating and co-designing
*       Circular dynamics, economies and autonomous practices
*       Open knowledge mediated by art & science, and disseminated
*       Innovation based on the reinterpretation and validity of ancestral
*       Future Memories: Documentation, Preservation and new Tools for
Research & Archiving
*       Pioneers of Media Art


Conference language is English and Spanish with simultaneous translation
between the two languages available during the conference.


Re.generative 2025 will be held in conjunction with the 24th International
Image Festival, organized by the University of Caldas, in Manizales, and the
University of Bogota Jorge Tadeo Lozano. Re.generative conference delegates
will have ample opportunities to also attend artistic activities
(exhibitions, concerts, Media Art shows, among others).

May 5-9 (MAH) – May 2-9 (IIF)


Call for Papers now open.  Send abstract to the following e-mail addresses: <> <> 

Subject: MAH 2025 Application


Deadline for panels and individual papers July 26, 2024.

Notification of acceptance will be announced by September 27, 2024.

Submission language is English or Spanish.


Individual proposals for papers should consist of a max. 250-word abstract
with title.

Proposals for full panels should consist of a max. 500-word abstract
outlining the panel and individual topics of confirmed speakers.


Submitters should upload a short bio file (Word), no longer than ½ page per
person. The short bios will be used on the conference website together with
your abstracts.

Download Template Format for Panels, Papers or Posters here:


We will soon publish the Call for Artwork to participate in the event. If
you wish to send proposals in advance, please send them to the following
e-mail: <>   


Initiated by the Media Art Histories EXECUTIVE BOARD

Najam ASSAR (PK, DK), Andres BURBANO (CO/ES), Sean CUBITT (AU), Oliver GRAU,
(DE/AT) (Conference Founder and Chair), Inge HINTERWALDNER (DE), Laura


MediaArtHistories HQ: Wendy Jo COONES <> 


Media Art Histories Honorary Board

Rudolf ARNHEIM, Linda HENDERSON (served in the Board from 2005-2018),
Douglas KAHN (2005–2018), Martin KEMP (2005 – 2018), Tim LENOIR (2005-2016),
Douglas DAVIS, Jasia REICHARDT, Itsuo SAKANE (2005-), Peter WEIBEL
(2005-2023), Erkki HUHTAMO (2005-2023), Machiko KUSAHARA (2005-2023)


Organizing Committee

Universidad de Caldas – Carolina Salguero, Walter Castañeda, William Ospina,
Oscar Villota, César Arias, Mario Valencia, Margarita Villegas, Carolina

Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano – Felipe Cesar Londoño, D.A.
Quevedo Restrepo, Elkin Rubiano, Alfredo Gutiérrez


Re:generative Co-Chairs:

Carolina SALGUERO. Universidad de Caldas. Manizales

Felipe Cesar LONDOñO. Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano


Media Art History Conf – Re.generative 2025 Board

Ibero-American Observatory of Digital and Electronic Arts OIADE Board – Jose
Ramón Alcalá. España, Daniel Argente. Uruguay, Humberto Valdivieso.
Venezuela, Emilio Martínez. España, Ricardo Dal Farra. Andres Burbano
(CO/ES), Concordia University. Montreal, Raquel Caerols. Universidad
Complutense de Madrid, Cleomar Rocha. MediaLab Brasil, Daniel Cruz. MAC
Chile, Tania Aedo. UNAM México


International partner institutions:

Maestría en Artes Mediales, Universidad de Chile, Museo de Arte
Contemporáneo de Chile, Maestría en Diseño Interactivo, Universidad de
Buenos Airees Argentina Universidad Federal de Goias, Brasil, Archive for
Digital Art, (DE/AU), Cátedra Max Aub UNAM Mexico, Ibero-American
Observatory of Digital and Electronic Arts OIADE, Southern Network for
Science, Arts and Technolog. RedCatSur






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