Tim Brody wrote:

> Mine is CMD 0670B-400: http://www.dlink.co.uk/long_desc.asp?id=234
> I agree with Dave that the problem is in the
> SpeedTouch driver


   I would like to say that the driver uses the usbdevfs driver. This 
allow us to manipulate USB without any control other all the USB module 
   We never increment/decrement module usage counter, neither we touch 
usb-interface stuff. This is usbdevfs job. So the problem must  be in 
the usbdevfs driver. But this is such a piece of code, i can't 
understand it very well (never done kernel dev) and so, i can't try to 
debug it.(more over i don't have ohci card)

Edouard Gomez

PS : Take a look at the driver source code and then try to find out 
what's the problem in usbdevfs driver.

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