jeremy wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm a Linux newbie and I found the How-To extremely helpful (and much easier
> than the other How-Tos), however I am not sure how to properly disconnect.
> Currently I use  the command "killall pppd" but this apparently doesn't close
> it fully because when I shut down my computer it gets stuck when unmounting
> the file system. This only happens after I have been online so I'm sure
> that's where the problem is. I think the problem is that the firmware is
> still loaded. So my question is: what is the proper way to completely
> shut it down and unload the firmware? In case it matters, I'm using Mandrake
> 8.0 and BASH.

I had unclean unmounts with Mandrake8.0 too, the solution was to edit the file
I had to replace the word uhci-usb by uhci in this line:
alias usb-interface uhci
This solved the problem for  me


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