On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Alex Bennee wrote:

> Hamish Marson said:
> >
> > Also my uptime is woeful. Usually only 2-3 weeks
> > before the modem falls over & won't respond any more...
> 2-3 weeks! Your doing quite well. Does modem_run fall over or just exit.
> Once its been run you can't run it again without a reboot. I'm sure there
> should be ways to reset the USB devices but I've never got it to work
> properly.
rmmod usb-uhci
sleep 5
modprobe usb-uhci
sleep 5
modem_run ...

seems to do it for me.

Although that will, of course, reset any other devices too. As my
machine is a minimal setup with just the frog attached, no mouse
or keyboard or screen even, it doesn't give me too many problems :-)

[tim@heisenberg tim]$ uptime
  2:43pm  up 69 days,  4:41,  1 user,  load average: 0.14, 0.05, 0.01
[tim@heisenberg tim]$
Although, unfortunately, my connection hasn't managed this. It seems
to fail about once per week although sometimes my "ping test" fails
because of heavy traffic so it gets restarted anyway.

> > FWIW I also get stalled downloads where it looks like I get checksum
> > errors on the AAL5 level, and corrupted packets come through (i.e.
> > SEQ/ACK are out of sequence), which the IP stacks don't like (They seem
> > to get thrown away).
> Edourd fixed a bug in the AAL code a few days ago. I'm not sure if it ever
> triggered but one dropped AAL5 frame can cause a stall in the window size
> it quite large on TCP transfers. Again it could be worth trying the latest
> CVS.
Hmm.. I must look at this. I have some problems with some files but I
never seem to get time to investigate properly. There are at least
two redhat 7.2 updates I _cannot_ download from ftp.mirror.ac.uk!

> > This problem I've had for a while... I was going to upgrade my
> > microcode, but it looks like i've got the latest (For Linux anyway).
> It may be microcode related but a lot of people seem to be running
> different versions without any particular issues.
> > Can someone mail me a recent windoze firmware version? I can't only
> > find the upgrade.exe on alcatel (now Thompson?) website and it will
> > only unpack if I have the original drivers loaded, which of course I
> > don't on my kids machine...
> Sorry, don't have Windows anyway. Is it unzippable?
Yup, I was going to suggest this. Try unzip on linux. Allows you to
avoid any of the "click" licences as well :-)


God said, "div D = rho, div B = 0, curl E = - @B/@t, curl H = J + @D/@t," 
and there was light.

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