I use different ADSL providers. When I try to restart a connection using pppoa3 with --clean option, the file file:/var/run/pppoa3-modem1.pid is not removed, and the following messsages are in the syslog file :
May 29 22:20:30 pierre pppoa3[4313]: PPPoA3 version 1.1rc2 started by root (uid 0) May 29 22:20:30 pierre pppoa3[4313]: A previous instance seems to be running May 29 22:20:30 pierre pppoa3[4313]: Sending the kill signal to 4283 and waiting... even after a clean stop of pppd that killed the 4283 process. ???????????? Regards, Pierre JUHEN Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB Pour se désinscrire : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe