After I had learned that pppoa is a no-no in germany I went for the
RFC 2684 bridge. Everything compiles okay and I get a new interface

Now when I launch pppd (with the pppoe plugin) it only comes to the
point where it says "sending PADI". I looked at the source code and
could see, that the next thing after sending padi is to wait on a

The /proc/net/atm/Alcatel... shows me TXs and the intefrace nas0
to. Both don't show any RXs. Obviously there is no response.

Again I can switch my VPI/VCI settings around without any difference
and I can change the username in etc/ppp/condif any way I want.

Apart from the question "what to do next" (obviously: buy an ethernet
modem) there a two things I don't quite understand: 

My DSL provider is deutsche telekom (T-), my ISB provider is
Tiscali. Where do my lovingly handcraftet ethernet frames end up ? At
T- or at tiscali ? If its T- what is the connection to tiscail. It it
is Tiscali (what I suspect), how to my ethernet frams find their way
to tiscali ? The only indication in the configs is the "name" and
"user" settings in ppp/config. These are in fact

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