Oh... I'am affraid...
but thank you for the answer.

Then, maybe it could be an example of a reason why they may release the 
(as an answser to the "Thompson reply for speedtouch tech specs..." 

Edouard Gomez wrote:

>>Any idea on how to get such data from the Speed Touch USB ?
>>(even an assumption...)
>No we have  no idea because to communicate with the  modem, we must know
>USB vendor commands that are not documented.
>The  USB modem does  not present  a telnet  interface like  the ethernet
>version  does. The  only  way to  communicate  commands is  to use  that
>undocumented USB commands.
>So to sum up things simply:
>No specs => No informations

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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